Chapter 21

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

Parking my car, Beth's truck wasn't here so it was safe to assume she was still over in my brother's neck of the woods with Beck and most likely would stay over and eat dinner with them all.

Out of the car, I walked around it, opened the door and dipped inside to free Nix from his car seat. "Out you come, buddy." Settling him on my hip, I reached back inside to grab his things and then nudged the door closed with my hip.

"Why, hello there, Dr Chambers." My head turned in the direction of the voice. I flicked my chin up, it was Mrs Holt and she was taking off her gardening gloves and making her way toward us.

Now, might be a good time to ask if Aaron was home.

All the way home, I'd run through different options as to what would be my Plan B. However, calling it a plan... was a stretch at best and if it did work out, I would have to deal with seeing her and Aaron together and that didn't sit well either.

But I was desperate.

If I didn't slam the brakes on this situation, we were on the fast track to a point of no return—a line that no amount of metaphorical duct tape could patch up

Mrs Holt's smile was wide as she slowed to a stop. "Hey, Mrs Holt."

"Dr Chambers," she chastised playfully. "How often have I told you to call me, Joan?"

"Fine, but you have to call me, Chris."

"Deal, Chris." Her eyes latched on Nix. "Are you being a good little man for your daddy?" Nix gurgled and reached out his hand to touch her. He had a thing for the ladies. "You are so adorable I could eat you all up," she cooed letting him grip her hand.

I was sure by the time he started talking, he would every woman wrapped around his chubby little finger.

"How's he settling?" She asked.

Thanks to my favourite neighbour (sarcasm activated) Mrs Lassiter. Everyone knew I had a son. She'd witnessed the dump and run. "He's settled in fine."

I wasn't expecting her next question.

"You can tell me to mind my own business, Chris. But is his mama not coming back?"

Well, at least she asked, and maybe it was better to drop the truth and then the gossip would quit. "No. His mama won't be coming back." My stomach twisted. As much as I tried to deny the fact, the deadline was coming up all too fast. At the flick of a switch, her life would end. "She was in an accident and there is no hope of recovery."

Her hand flew up to cover her gasp before her eyes softened as she stared at Nix. "I'm sorry to hear that."

Let's change the subject. "Is Aaron home? I was hoping to have a quick word."

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