Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Talk

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            After the twins napped and had a quick snack everyone figured it was time to finally talk about what happened at school today. The twin girls were sitting across from their parents on the opposite couch, looking worried. Knowing that Bellamy had earlier turned down the comfort of her sister and regretted it, Bellamy took Bay's hand knowing that she truly needed it. But Bay was as much in need of holding Bellamy's hand. They need each other at this moment.

Jordan thought it was best for her to lead the conversation first so she looked up at her anxious daughters before taking a deep breath.

"Mommy and daddy are not mad, a little disappointed but not mad." She said gently, causing a tear to fall down Bay's cheek before she wiped it away. "So what I want to know is what happened." Jordan added as Bellamy hung her head in shame and Bay shoulders slumped.

"L-Lea was being m-mean to me." Bay mumbled underneath her breath.

"How so?" Gio asked, copying Jordan's tone of voice by being as gentle as possible when he spoke which was pretty foreign to him.

Neither of the girl's answered their father's question as they didn't want to hurt their mamá's feelings. What they didn't know was that Valentina had already told Jordan what the Lea girl said but she wanted to hear it from her daughter's mouth.

"You can tell us. It's okay, we won't get mad or sad." Gio added as the girls hesitantly agreed by nodding their heads.

Bay took a breath before squeezing Bellamy's hand. "Lea s-said mommy is not our mommy and it made me mad and sad because she is my mommy and she said I was a baby and I'm not a baby, I'm a big girl." Bay bursted as her eyebrows furrowed in frustration. Jordan was going to speak before Gio politely cut her off, placing his hand on her thigh. It was his turn to reassure the kids, Jordan has done it for the past five years, it was his time now.

"Your right about that, Bay, Jordan is your mommy now and forever will be but you can't let someone get to you so easily. If you know Jordan is your mommy, that is all that matters is that—you know. You don't have to prove that to anyone, not even Lea." Bay eyes glistened with tears as she and Bella nodded their heads grasping on to everything their father was saying. The twins really benefited from hearing it come from their father because they've heard the same statement said from the mother multiple times, it was just nice hearing it from someone else for once. It made them feel less vulnerable than they were everytime someone pointed out the differences between them and their mother.

"It's also not your fault, Bay. I know you're thinking that this whole situation happened because of you and that's just not true. Lea started it all, she's at fault here. Capisci [Do you understand]?" Gio said gently but with a firm undertone to his voice as Jordan nodded her head in agreement, showing the kids that they were a united front.

"I-It's not my fault?" Bay asked hesitantly with a quiver to her voice. That's when Jordan couldn't bear to look at the way her daughter's face portrayed such a broken image.

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