Chapter Nine: Hard Conversations

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It was later in the evening as I began to make spaghetti and meatballs for my girls. Bellamy and Bay are currently sitting at the breakfast bar, coloring in their coloring books, talking to me about their first day at school today.

"I like Ms. Milani mamá. She was really nice and let Bellamy and I sit next to each other." Bay mentioned.

"Well, that was nice of her." I responded as I began to season and form the meatballs. "What was your favorite part of the day?" I added as I took a glance at my daughters. Bay had almost every color crayon out in front of her with her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth as she focused on scribbling everywhere she could before moving on to another page. On the other hand, Bellamy had all the crayons organized in order based on the rainbow as she softly rocked in her seat, back and forth, coloring very carefully to make sure she stayed in the lines as best as she could.

"Mhmm...I liked playtime because that's how I made my new friend, Vittoria. I asked her to play with me and she said yes and we became friends." Bay informed me with a cute smile on her face.

"What about you, Bell? What was your favorite part of the day?" I asked as I started to boil the pasta noodles and cook the meatballs on a pan.

"Going home." She shrugged her shoulders and talked plainly, continuing to color. She didn't even realize that she hadn't just admitted to me that she wasn't really fond of school. At least not as much a Bay did. I'm not gonna lie I was a bit concerned and disappointed but I didn't want to push it, considering it was their first day so hopefully her answer will change by the end of the week.

I declared dinner to be done and served everyone a dish after finishing the spaghetti sauce and mixing the cooked meatballs with the al dente pasta and sauce. The girls had already put away their coloring supplies and were eager to eat as we all made our way to the kitchen table. We said our prayer and began to grub.

"MMM....Thank you mamá, it's really good." Bay uttered with her face covered in spaghetti sauce as she slurped her noodles. It was a laughable sight. She's always been a messy girl when it comes to eating.

Bellamy quickly nodded her head in agreement. "It is really good, mommy, grazie [thank you]." Bell hummed out as she cleaned her face with a napkin after each bite which was very opposite to her sister.

I chuckled at their differences, "Of course, loves. I'm glad you both like it." I said, smiling at them.

After we all had finished eating, I gave the girls a bath and read them a bedtime story. As soon as I was heading towards the light switch to turn the lights off, Bellamy stopped me.

"M-Mamá?" Bell stuttered, meaning she was nervous.

"Yes, my love?" I asked as I walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge of it.

Bell took a deep breath. "Y-You know h-how we-were adopted."

I froze for a second before I responded. Every time they ask about their adoption, I always get tense because I never know what they want to ask me. It's always been a sensitive subject for me, which I sometimes hate. I took a deep breath, "Yeah?" I inquired as I looked down at her and moved a piece of her hair that was hanging in front of her face and moved it behind her ear.

"A-A lot of kids at school h-have a papá [dad]. Do we have a papá [dad]?" She asked innocently as she played with the comforter that was laid over her. I looked over towards Bay's bed and saw that she had the same question and wanted to know the answer.

I inhaled deeply. Though I anticipated that the kids would eventually ask about their father, I didn't anticipate it happening so soon. I motioned for Bay to join Bellamy in her bed before responding to their question.  Once more, I sat on the edge of Bellamy's bed, prepared to finally respond as I helped them both get nestled in and comfortable under the covers. "Everyone in the world has a biological father, though when you two were born your birth mom didn't list or keep record of who your father is. So I don't quite know who your father is but I know you have one, somewhere in the world. I'm sorry I don't have any answers." I voiced with vulnerability in my voice.

"It's okay mamá, I was just curious." Bellamy smiled at me, trying to ease my tense demeanor but I knew deep down that Bellamy and Bay had a deep longing to know who their father was and I don't blame them. I would want to know too.

"Where's your papá [dad]?" Bay asked. Her and Bellamy must've just realized that they only have a grandma and not a grandpa because as soon as Bay asked that question Bellamy's eyes were overflowing with curiosity. Four green eyes were locked on my brown ones.

"Um- Well- When I was little, around three years old, my papá [father] died. I don't remember much about him but what I do remember is that he was a kind and loving man and he adored your grandma very much." I spoke with love.

"So you don't have a papá either?" Bellamy corroborated. I shook my head no as I gave a small smile to try and hide any guilt I was feeling for being a single mother, not giving or finding my daughters a father, and possibly also not being enough for them because I selfishly chose to do this on my own. Though I don't regret my decision because these girls have changed my world upside down for the better. I love them with my whole entire being. They have taught me so many lessons and I couldn't be more grateful to them. I'm glad I have them as my daughters because I couldn't trade them for the world, they are my world. I just hope they see that I'm trying my best in the best way that I can for them.

After a moment, Bay nodded her head in harmony, "We love you, mamá." Bay voiced tiredly as her eyes began to droop from exhaustion.

My heart warmed at that as I grinned with endearment. "I love you both, my princesses." I whispered as I pecked each of their foreheads in goodnight. "Sleep tight." I added before I turned their lights off but turned on their night light and did one last tuck in. I tiptoed out of their room but not without forgetting to crack their door open a tiny bit.

As soon as I made it back to my room, I took a deep sigh. 'That was a hard conversation.' I thought.

I took a long shower and got in my pajamas in record time. I laid in bed for a while and before I was beginning to dose off my phone went off from someone texting me. Usually I would've just waited until tomorrow to answer but something was compelling me to look and so I did.

Unknown Message

Today 10:54 PM

We need to talk. When you get the chance, please call me, it's important.

I quickly typed back, Who's this?



"Who is this?" I whispered to myself as my heart started to race with anxiety. No one ever texts me this late unless it's my mom and even that's rare this time of night.

Maybe it's just a client wanting a painting and they live overseas and don't realize the time they're texting me because it's early in the morning for them?

It's happened before so I'm sure that's all it is....

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