Chapter Eighteen: A Big Thing For Me

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               I smirked as I left Jordan's house. Let's just say she was very stunned after I kissed her forehead goodbye. What can I say, she's a beautiful woman. I'm not typically a person that searches for flings or serious relationships but I would be stupid if I didn't try with Jordan. Have you seen that woman!?

Though, I was definitely upset when I found out that my daughter, Bellamy, had diagnosed Level One Autism Spectrum Disorder and Jordan failed to mention it to me at all. I'm not stupid, I know what autism looks like in a kid. I also own a school that has access to all of the kids' medical records. It wasn't hard to find Bellamy's. When I first met Bell and really observed her, I could tell she was different, not in a bad way but she was simply just different. At first I thought I was crazy for thinking that something was wrong with her and that she was just a shy kid because Jordan hadn't told me anything at the time. But I knew as soon as I left that dinner the other day, that I needed to know what was going on. I even tried bringing it up to Jordan later that night when we were conversing but she quickly dismissed it, forcing me to let it go, so I did.

Once I figured it out, everything started to make sense. I thought I was going to go over to Jordan's house and we were gonna have a big war of words but thankfully it turned out the opposite. I was obviously open to hearing her out so when she explained herself later on and her view on why she didn't tell me at first, I understood but at the end of the day it was still wrong. All is forgiven though, especially after seeing that my princess was okay. I've learned early on that holding grudges don't get you anywhere so I like to forgive and sometimes forget, depending on the situation and this situation deserves a forget. I'm an understanding person so it wasn't hard to grant amnesty to her.

I had just left their house not too long ago and was on my way back home to pack a bag for later tonight. I am very excited to spend more time with not only my girls but Jordan as well. I'm not gonna lie but ever since last night's conversation with Jordan, she has become very attractive to me. Not just her physical features but the way that she takes care of my daughters; with so much attentiveness and compassion. She speaks to them as if their adults and the amount of patience she possesses is admirable, especially with Bellamy.

I've come to realize how smart and independent Bellamy and Bay are. They're definitely a pair of gifted kids for sure and I know that it's because of who their mother is. I've done my research on Jordan and she's definitely an intelligent woman mainly based on her education.

Right now, I'm packing my bag making sure to get everything I need for the night. By the time I was done I was heading downstairs to put the bag in my car so I didn't have to do it later. Not long after, I got a phone call from my second in command, also known as my best friend, Mattia.

"Che succede [What's up]?" I answered the phone.

"Gio, abbiamo trovato l'uomo che ti ha seguito [Gio, we found the man that's been stealing our shipments]." He informed me.

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