Chapter Three: First Day

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                The babies and I have been home for a while now. It's been a really chill day so far. Bellamy and Bay were changed, fed, and burped so now they're just in their shared bassinet in my room, while I'm sat on my bed thinking about my life.

I mean, I'm a mommy now. It's a crazy thing to say and think about. Two beautiful human being are dependent on me now. It might sound crazy but I love them so much already. They already make me so happy. I feel so blessed right now. Ever since I put them in their bassinets I couldn't stop admiring them.

Both of the twins have brown wavy hair, although Bellamy has a bit more hair than Bay. Their eyes are a bright green with gold specks in them. Each of them have button noses, rosy cheeks, and small lips. Some of the physical differences I've noticed between the two is that Bay has a small beauty mark on the left side of her collar bone, while Bellamy had one on her right side. Though with these differences, it's still very hard to tell who's who if you just look at their face, considering the fact that they're identical twins.

I walked in front of Bay's bassinet and picked her up. I gave her little kisses on her face until she scrunched her cute little nose. "Awhhh." I said as I held her close. "You're so cute huh? Your mama's cute girl." I cooed at her before I put her down and did the same to Bellamy.

A couple of minutes later, Bellamy and Bay had fell asleep for their afternoon nap so I was quick to take a shower, hoping that they wouldn't wake. After I was done showering and getting dressed in a grey Nike sweatsuit, I checked on the babies, making sure they were still asleep, which they were.

Since I had the free time, I decided to call mom and tell her the news, it's safe to say she was very excited and she coming over this weekend to meet them in person instead of FaceTime. Mom lives a little over an hour away so she'll stay over the whole weekend and then head back her house on Monday.

After I got off the phone, I figured I'd check my emails to pass time. While I was going through them, I seen a more recent one from Sadie and opened it. It turned out to be the twins' files.

From: Sadie Silano

Hey Jordan,

I wanted send you the twins official files in case you need them until you get their official birth certificate. I hope you and the babies are doing well.

Attachment: PDF 

File 1:

Name: Bellamy Vinci (No middle name)
Birthdate: 1/21/2024
Gender: Female
Age: One month
Height: 16 Inches
Weight: 4lbs 2oz
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Race/Ethnicity: Italian
Blood Type: O-
Mother: Deceased
Father: Unknown

File 2:

Name: Bay Vinci (No middle name)
Birthdate: 1/21/2024
Gender: Female
Age: One month
Height: 16.5 Inches
Weight: 4lbs 5oz
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Race/Ethnicity: Italian
Blood Type: O-
Mother: Deceased
Father: Unknown

As I looked through the files, I realized that that had no middle names. Although I already finished the paper work to rename them, I gave the judge the paper with their new and official middle names and last names. I want to hyphen their current last name with mine, that way they still have a sort of connection to their biological mom as well. Though the official adoption papers from a judge should be coming through the mail soon as a finalization of everything including their new names: Bellamy Blake Jenson-Vinci & Bay Jayden Jenson-Vinci. They're long names but I love them so that's all that matters.

A couple hours later, the sun was beginning to set, which means it was dinner time. Both babies were awake and hungry so I knew I had to tend to them first. I held one baby in each arm as I carefully went down stairs to my open concept kitchen with a big fat island in the middle of it. I sat each baby in the bouncer as a I began to make their bottles. If you couldn't guess already, Bay was very much not likely being put down and was crying a good deal. While Bellamy was as cool as a cucumber. I made sure to grab two sterilized bottles from my cabinet; one pink and one purple. I then got the purified water on counter and began to fill each bottle up to six ounces each. Next, I took the new brand of baby formula out and put three scoops in each bottle, not forgetting to add some rice cereal in for extra nutrition. I made sure to carefully warm them up under hot running water before I tested the temperature on my wrist and deemed it as good.

I dragged the baby bouncers into the living room and sat down in between each on the floor as I hovered the bottles over the twins' mouths. Bay latched on immediately and began to drink the milk while Bellamy on the other hand needed a little help before she got the hang of it and started mimicking her sister's desire for food. I made sure to stop feeding them every two ounces to burp them and when they finished. After a while, both babies were satisfied, I could tell because once they finished they were happily kicking their tiny legs and making gurgle noises. I decided to play with a bit, making funny noises and faces before they both began to slowly fall asleep. 

I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was 7:30 at night. I decided to make a quick dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup. After I ate I made sure to take my lactation medication. I had got them earlier at the pharmacy before I brought the twins home. So far I haven't felt any effects but I mean it's just the first day of taking them so I'm sure that'll change a week from now.

It's now 8:37 at night and I had just finished cleaning the kitchen before I heard both of the babies crying in the living room. I ran to them and soon realized they quickly needed to be changed. Who knew such cute babies could smell like that. I took the babies upstairs and make sure to change each of them. I turns out Bellamy over here had a blow out. Lucky me.

Once I finally got the babies settled in my room after a nappy change, I fed and burped them again. They went to sleep pretty much right after again so I got to sneak a quick shower in before I dressed in some pajamas and went to sleep myself. I realized that the twins are pretty deep sleepers and most likely only wake up when they need something.

I thought it was going to be an easy night since they're such deep sleepers but boy was I wrong.

Let's just say throughout the night, I definitely got little to no sleep at all with twins. Between the feeding and the changing dirty diapers or clothes, it was very tiring.

Although it was exhausting, nothing could ever take away how good it felt to finally have my babies home. I almost felt complete in a way. Bellamy and Bay made me a mom and I couldn't be more grateful and blessed to be in this position.

I love being a mom.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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