Chapter Five: A Beautiful Connection

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Two Weeks Later....

Two Weeks Later

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        It was late at night. I was deep in sleep before I felt a lot of pressure in my chest. It was beginning to become very painful. I tried to sleep it off but it became too much so I decided to turn my bedside lamp on and figure out what's going on. I rubbed the sleep out my eyes and stretched a bit before I felt something wet on my chest. I slowly looked down on my white t-shirt and noticed multiple wet spots on my shirt but mainly by my chest.

My eyes almost popped out of its socket from excitement.

"My milk came in?" I whispered to myself in disbelief. I quickly took my shirt off and looked down at my breast. You could see my milk beading from my nipple.

As if on cue, Bay started screaming through the baby monitor. I knew it was because she was hungry. I looked at the clock and it was around one o'clock in the morning. They're typical feeding time.

Still shirtless, I went into the twins room and picked up Bay. Bellamy was surprisingly still sleep. Usually when Bay starts crying, Bellamy follows instinctively.

I began to softly bounce her and sat in the beige colored rocking chair I had placed in their room when I was decorating it. "Shhh it's okay Bay. We're gonna try something different today, okay?" I started talking to her softly.

I shifted Bay in a holding position and gently connected her mouth to my nipple. At first Bay was hesitant and it started to make me panic because she wasn't doing anything so I thoughtfully squeezed one of my breasts to let a few droplets of milk drop in her mouth. As soon as my baby tasted it, she was the exact opposite as before and began to eagerly drink from me as if she was starved. She doesn't even drink her bottle this eagerly.

I gazed down at my daughter, her beautiful bright green eyes and wavy light brown hair. Even though we look nothing alike, I can't help but feel such a deep connection to her. I softly combed through her hair with my fingers as she continued to drink from me but with less urgency. The light freckles that covered her cheeks made me fall even more in love with my little one.

"I love you, princess." I whispered to her as her eyes started to flutter close.

After a few minutes Bay was knocked out cold with a full belly and right as she finished and fell asleep, little Bellamy was wide awake. I placed the sleeping baby back in her bassinet and covered her with a blanket and lastly gave a gentle kiss to her forehead. I then picked up Bellamy and sat with her in the rocking chair. I made sure to put Bellamy on my other breast that Bay didn't drink from, that way they would be even. Unlike Bay, Bellamy took no time and quickly started to suckle with an urgency as well. 'They both are acting as if I never feed them.' I thought with sarcasm and a chuckle.

Bellamy put her tiny hand on the top of my breast as she suckled. Her green eyes locking with my brown ones and just like Bay it's like something in our brains unlocked and the connection we had before was nothing compared to the one we have now.

A connection filled with love, understanding, and trust. A mother-daughter connection. A closeness that feels as if we're bonded forever. Oxytocin that releases in our bodies and in the atmosphere that resembles nothing but warmth and relaxation.

I love my princesses.

Some time had passed before Bellamy also fell asleep. I slowly detached her from me and wrapped her in a blanket before I set her in her bassinet to sleep. Both babies were knocked out cold and I was happy.

I slowly walked out the their room and left the door cracked as I tiptoed back to my own. I threw on a new t-shirt and put my other in my dirty hamper before I laid back in my bed and sighed with happiness.

I have never felt so complete.

It didnt take me awhile to fall asleep, I was out in seconds due to it being around three o'clock in the morning.

The next time I woke up, I could feel the light shining down on my face peaking through the curtains that I never closed all the way. I rolled over and grabbed my phone to see what time it was. It was 7:24a.m. I figured it was time for me to wake up so I stretched and got out my bed, making sure to check on my babies first through the baby monitor. My princesses were still knocked out cold. That milk must've really did something because usually they're up and ready to picked up at this time.

I took advantage of the kids sleeping and took a shower. I made sure to wash my body and face while listening to music through my speaker. When I was done with that, I brushed my teeth and then my hair into a slick back bun with a little edges.

As I was washing my hands, as if on cue, both of my kids started screaming for me. I quickly dried my hands and sped walked into their bedroom.

"No need to cry guys, I'm right here. What's wrong, huh?" I said out loud to them. I went to Bellamy first and realized that she needed to be changed. I set her on the changing table as Bay continued to scream her head off and changed Bellamy with a quickness. Thankfully she only just peed a lot. After I finished I put Bellamy back in her bassinet and she was chilling now. Bay on the other hand isn't so I quickly grabbed her and changed her poopy diaper. I should've known she pooped. She's always pooping.

After I had finished, Bay wasn't crying as loud anymore but she was still crying so I figured she must be hungry. I wanted to feed both babies at the same time so I had looked at some breastfeeding positions on my phone for twins so after I had found a comfortable position for us all, I knew what I needed to be able to do it. I wrapped Bay and Bellamy in a blanket before I carried them both to my living room downstairs and strapped them both in the swingers before I swiftly ran upstairs to grab the twin u-shaped pillow I had bought specifically for this reason and ran back downstairs. I was so scared to leave the babies alone for any amount of time.

I quickly put on a cooking show from Hulu and sat on the couch, placing the pillow on the couch and then putting each baby in it. Bay on the right and Bellamy to the left. After I got them settled, I took my shirt off and placed the pillow in my lap. A latched each baby as they both suckled from me. I leaned forward to relax as I watched the tv, mindlessly playing with their hair and gently massaging their scalp.

I catch myself every now and then glancing at my miracles and thanking God for them. They have grown so much this past month and I have felt nothing but proud. Not just of them but of myself. I never thought I would get to become a mother and yet here I am raising two beautiful girls.

I am not lucky.

I am simply blessed.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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(TW: Big timeskip coming up!)

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Pic of the Pillow:

Pic of the Pillow:

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