Chapter Seven: Made a Friend

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                  After twenty minutes, we finally made it to the kids school. I parked in an empty parking space and turned off the car. I looked back at my nervous girls. Bay was giving me a nervous smile while Bellamy had her head down, playing with her fingers.

"Remember to always try your best and have fun, okay? Be nice and be yourself. Don't forget to have each others backs, always. You two look after each other and protect one another. Do you understand?" I vocalized with seriousness in my tone.

"Sí, mamá." They both said at the same time with a single nod of their heads. It was a bit creepy but they do this all the time so you get use to it.

"Alright, guys let's head out." I sighed as I opened the car door. The twins unbuckled their seat belts and got out the car as well. As we began to walk together with me in the middle and each twin attached to my side, I realized how many looks we were getting from not only the parents and teachers but the kids as well. 

I don't mind them looking because I know it looks unusual for a black woman to have an Italian kid let alone two identical twins that look nothing like me. The kids must've been getting nervous because both of them grabbed one of each of my hands with a bit of a squeeze. I made sure to squeeze their hands back two times to reassure them that it was going to be okay. 

Bellamy and Bay both know that were not the traditional type of family and they know that they're adopted but they also know that whether they're adopted or not—blood or not, that they're mine. I am their mother and they're my daughters. I already had a talk with them before they started school that people will be curious and people will have questions that they can answer but they don't have to if they're not comfortable.

We walked inside the school—together as a united front. I made my way to the front office to see what class my babies were to be in just like the rest of the parents with their kids.

"Ciao signora, cosa posso fare per lei [Hello ma'am, what can I do for you]?" The lady asked politely as she gave me a small smile and pushed her glasses up on her nose. I'm not gonna lie, I was bit surprised by how nice she was considering the fact that the people in Italy tend to be a bit racist. Not all of them are but most are then not. 

"Ciao, sono qui per vedere in che classe sono le mie figlie [Hello, I'm here to see what class my daughters are in]." I said as I returned her polite smile with my own. The lady looked down to see my daughters who were cuddled to my side. The lady looked a bit surprised but it went as quick as it came. 

"Certo, come si chiamano [Of course, what are their names]?" She questioned. 

"Bellamy e Bay Jenson." I answered as the woman with glasses began to type in computer. 

"Quella sarebbe la classe della signora Milani. Si trova in questo corridoio a destra. È la prima porta a sinistra. Stanza 12. [That would be Ms. Milani's class. Its located in this hallway to the right. It's the first door to the left. Room 123.]" The woman directed as I nodded my head with a thankful smile. I guided the twins to their classroom. At the door was a tall beautiful women. She honestly looked like a model. It was a bit weird because she kind of looked liked the twins with bright green eyes and wavy dark brown hair. Except Ms. Milani didn't have any freckles like the twins did instead she had a dimples on both cheeks.

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