Chapter 45 - Child of Divorce

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Viola Hart 

Present Time 

"Is everything ready to go?", I asked through on the comms that was in my ear piece. 

"All good, boss, it is all set to go ahead, we are all waiting further instruction", Ace's reply came through the speaker. 

I loaded some more bullets into my gun, "Dante?", I asked. 

"Nothing on the cameras so far, and no other activity close", Dante answered. 

"Good keep it that way", I said as I slipped my gun back into its position in the waistband of my skirt. 

Hands came to my waist and pulled me into a hard chest. Lips brushed against the skin of my neck as they spoke. 

"You're so hot when you're in boss mode", Sebastian groaned into my ear, tightening his hold on my waist. 

 I rolled my eyes, "I'm always hot". 

Sebastian kissed my neck before pulling me further into his body, so that I was pretty much just leaning against him. He was currently leaning against his car as we waited for this shipment to go ahead.

After my last shipment was hijacked, I didn't want to take any chances, and decided that I would go there myself to make sure that everything went according to plan. The others were not invited by myself, they invited themselves. I had no say in the matter. 

"Mmhm yes you are", Sebastian groaned into my ear, moving my ass against his hard on. 

Seriously? He wants to fuck now? 

"Fuck off dickhead", I said trying to push away from his body, only to be pulled straight back. 

"Oh shit Mum and Dad are fighting again!", I heard Nikolai say over the comms. 

"What's different about that?", Carlos added into the conversation. 

"Yeah facts", Ace said. 

"I don't like it when Mum and Dad fight okay! It makes me stressed!", Nik complains. 

I rolled my eyes as I listened to the uninvited guests bicker with one another. 

"Yeah honestly, you would've thought now that they are dating or whatever that the fighting would have stopped", Carlos says. 

I scoffed.

 "We aren't dating", I said as Sebastian spoke at the same time. 

"Mind your own business". 

I pulled away from Sebastian once again and this time he let me. I turned and faced him, crossing my arms over my chest, pushing my cleavage up. His eyes immediately darted straight there and he licked his lips. 

"Excuse me, since when were we dating?", I asked raising my eyebrows in question. 

Sebastian smirked, "Since the moment I tasted that sweet puss-"

I quickly silenced Sebastian by slamming my hand over his mouth. 

"Ewwww", came from Carlos. 

"Gross I don't want to hear that", said Nik. 

I felt Sebastian's smirk only grow from underneath my palm. 

"Shut up asshole, before I shoot you", I grounded out. 

"Oh no the fight is getting worse! Quick Carlos say something to make it stop, you're the favourite child!", Nik continued to act like a 5 year old. 

Sebastian chose that moment to lick my palm, I grimaced as I pulled away and wiped my palm on his shirt. 

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