Chapter 39 - Punishment

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Warnings: 🌶️

..... Enjoy ;)


Sebastian's lips smashed against mine. It was almost painful, but in that moment I couldn't find myself caring. Not one little bit. 

I felt myself returning the kiss immediately, my lips moving against his so quickly that it didn't seem humanly possible. 

The hand that he had wrapped around my throat moved to the side of my neck, his fingers reaching to the hard bone behind my ear, where he drew me in closer to his body. My own hands reached up and cupped his face, pulling him down from towering height towards my lips. 

Even with heels on this man still towered over me, and I was already 5'8. 

Sebastian bit my lower lip and I moaned, but the sound with muffled by his mouth attaching itself back onto mine, using this as the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. I reacted immediately kissing him even more ferociously than before, my tongue dancing with his, both of us trying to take control. 

Every single nerve in my body was flaring up. Every sense was heightened. Every warning sign that was telling me that this was a bad idea was dimmed, because this just felt too good. 

His grip on my waist. The way his lips moving against my own, making me imagine what his kiss would feel like in other places. His body pressing into my own, grinding into my stomach, sending rushes of heat down my body. The way he keeps control and yet still lets me pull him down to me. 

It was all too much, and yet not enough at the same time. 

I needed more. I wanted more. 

Sebastian's hand drifted from my waist, down my hip towards my ass, where he gripped so tightly that I knew I would have bruises the next day, but I couldn't find it in me to care, not when it felt so fucking good. 

His lips broke from mine and went to my neck and I heard myself let out a whine in protest, which was quickly silenced when he bit at the skin there. I threw my head back against the car behind me in pleasure. I could almost feel Sebastian's smirk against my skin as he continued his assault on my neck. 

"Up", he murmured against my skin and I complied almost immediately, my legs wrapping around his waist. 

I gasped audibly when Sebastian pushed me further into the car, our centres aligning simultaneously. I stifled a moan when I felt him grind straight against my pussy and more heat pooled down in my lower belly. 

"Fuck. You feel so good", he groaned into my ear and he grinded further into me, his hardness pressing straight onto my core. 

I lifted my head up from the rood of his car and pulled his face back to mine, smashing my lips onto his this time. Sebastian's hands tightened on my ass in an almost painful grip as he moved my hips against his. 


This felt to fucking good.

It shouldn't feel this good, especially not with him. 

I was meant to hate him. 

He was meant to hate me. 

Yet in this moment I couldn't think of a single reason why I would hate him, not when he was kissing me like he was dying man and I was his life source. 

One of Sebastian's hand drifted from their grip on my ass underneath my skirt, skimming the fabric of my panties, which I knew would be saturated. Anticipation built up inside of me as he rubbed slightly against me, his fingers just missing where I needed him the most. 

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