Chapter 21 - The Stars and The Moon

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Emilia Morales 

Age: 15 

Once again I found myself basking in the night from the comfort of the pool. It was after hours of tossing and turning that I realised I wouldn't be sleeping tonight and that I might as well do something with this time other than lying in my bed, that I decided to venture out here once again. I found myself looking at the stars once more. I have always been fascinated by the moon and the stars. They are such beautiful parts of our universe that just get overlooked, because they are there all of time. I think the fact that they are something so constant is remarkable. Whenever I felt alone, I would have to look up at the sky and they would be there. Even during the sunniest, blue sky days, I knew they were there, but just in hiding. In a way I find myself relating to them. Always there, but most of the time going unnoticed, unthought of. Out here in the darkness, I was at peace. It was just me, the swaying of the water and the moon and the stars. This was the place I could come to, if I wanted to just not think for a little while. And that's what I would do, for hours until I saw the rise in the distance, the stars slowly being replaced with shades of blue and clouds, the skin on my body reheating under the rays of the sun. It was all so perfect. 

"Why do I always find you out here?", a voice startles me and is then followed by a splash. 

I turn around quickly, not seeing anyone there. I would think that I was imagining things if it weren't for the unsettled water at the other of the pool, coming in a small wave towards me. I go to turn back towards the stars before I hear an inhale of air beside me. Sebastian rose from the water, his wet hair flattened against his forehead, droplets of water falling tauntingly slow down his body. I quickly divert my eyes after I watch it drop down to his bare chest. He rests his back against the side of the pool that I'm leaning with his eyebrows raised, as if he awaiting my answer. 

"It's peaceful out here", is all I say in return. 

Sebastian turns his body so he is in the same position that I am in, "Yeah, I guess it is"

I turn to him and give him a small smile, he returns the favour. 

"I think that the stars are really beautiful", I say into the night air

"They really are", Sebastian replies, except when I turn to look at him, he isn't looking at the stars, but rather at me. I begin to feel my cheeks flush under his gaze. 

Sebastian tucks my hair behind my ear, his hand resting in that position, "Cos'è successo Mila?", he begins, speaking in his rich Italian accent, "Sembri sempre così triste adesso, potresti avere il sorriso più grande sul viso, ma i tuoi occhi, i tuoi occhi raccontano un'altra storia. Dimmi, puoi fidarti di me, te lo prometto." (What happened) / (You seem to be so sad all of the time now, you may have the biggest smile on your face, but your eyes, your eyes tell another story. Tell me, you can trust me, I promise.)

I felt tears build up in my eyes and I go to look away, but Sebastian grabs my chin, forcing me to look him the eyes. He always did know me the best, he could always see past it all. I hated and loved it about him. 

His thumb brushes against my skin, "Per favore, Mila", he begs, "Non sopporto di vederti sempre così triste e di non poter fare nulla al riguardo" (Please, Mila) / (I can't stand seeing you so sad all of the time and not being able to do anything about it)

"Davvero non vuoi saperlo, Sebastian, e anche se volessi dirtelo, non posso", I say, almost as a whisper. (You really don't want to know, Sebastian, and even if I wanted to tell you, I can't)

"Why?", he says switching back to English from his native tongue, "Why can't you tell me?" 

I try to pull away from his touch, feeling way too vulnerable and needing to run. I needed to go before I poured my entire heart out to him. 

"Because I just can't Sebastian, now can you please just let me go", I try and get away from him again, only this time he loosens his hold on me and I'm able to slip away. 

"Emilia", he says as I place some distance between us, "I just want to help you, let me help you, please".

I blink away the wetness threatening my eyes as I look back at him once again, "You do help, everyday, in ways you don't even understand".

He doesn't know how much he truly does. He makes my brother happy. He is reminder of the beautiful things in the world. He makes the world not seem so dull for a moment, he brightens up my skies, even on my darkest days. He just doesn't know it. 

Sebastian moves towards me, so quickly that I can't move away, his hands come up to cup my face and forces me to look him in his eyes, my heart begins racing against my chest and my breath goes deeper and I feel our chests brushing together. 

"Why can't you see how much you mean to me?", Sebastian says, drawing my face upwards, "Everyday I see you walk around with a fake smile, it only dropping whenever you don't think someone is looking, but I see it, I see you Emilia. I see the bruises that litter your beautiful skin-"

I feel myself take in a sharp breath of air

"-I see them and it makes my blood boil. To think that someone has harmed you and it has left marks, and I know that this goes way further than just training with your father. I see you, Mila. Do you see me?"

We are silent, our breaths heavy, chests rising rapidly, skin plastered together. Somehow I find the courage to reply. 


Because I did see him, I really did. I saw his kindness hidden behind his scowl. I saw the love he has for his mother and sister. I saw his longing glances towards me. I saw it all. 

Sebastian stared at me for a moment more before his lips crashed onto mine. It felt like fireworks were going off both inside and around me. Our lips moved together so passionately that I felt like I was dreaming. My hands went to his hair and entangled in his wet strands. Sebastian moved one hand to my waist as he pulled me in so I was impossibly close to him. So close that I could feel his racing heart and I was sure that he could feel mine too. A million goosebumps arose onto my skin and I knew it wasn't just from the cool air around us. I felt Sebastian move his hips against my own slightly and I gasped into his mouth as I felt the hardness that laid there. He swallowed my gasp and continued to kiss me. We kissed and we kissed and we kissed. Almost like our lives depended on it. Like the first time would be our last time, most likely because it probably us. And the only one to see it all happen was the moon and the stars. 

(1265 words)

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