Chapter 13 - Party

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His brown eyes stare into mine and I see a sly smirk planted on his face. "Viola, it is a pleasure to see you again", he says as he slides into the booth along with another man. 

"Хотел бы я сказать такой же засранец" (Wish I could say the same asshole), I say. Asher chuckles and those same brown eyes look at mine in confusion. "I was just saying that the pleasure is all mine Alejandro", I tell him with my best fake smile. 

I move so that I'm resting against Asher's muscular chest so I am facing the group now sitting with us.  Asher's hands begins to rest on both my hip and thigh. The asshole who is my biological father takes a sip from his glass filled with whiskey and chuckles to himself. I look over to the other man and recognise him to be Mateo, the right hand man and best friend. Both of them can go rot in hell for all I care, I will just have to make sure that I am the one to send them there. 

"I heard from a little birdie that you have killed one of my associates", Alejandro says. 

"Oh yes, Miss McKay", I reply and he nods in return, "No hard feelings right? It was just a mission given to me". 

The bastard laughs, "Of course, I didn't like the bitch anyway". I nod and give another faked smile. I look down and see that Asher still has his unfinished whiskey on the table. I get the drink and down it in one gulp. "Сука" (Bitch), Asher says while pinching the skin on my hip, after realising what I have done. Before I can give a reply Mateo speaks up, "Don't worry lad, we will order another round for all of us, on me". 

"Does that include me you old fuck?", a familiar deep voice says. I look up and see Dmitri there smiling at us. I feel give him a slight smile and say, "Dmitri". His hazel eyes look into mine and I can see that they are laced with concern. I nod at him telling him that I'm okay. 

"Viola, how are you my dear?", Dmitri asks. 

"Just absolutely wonderful", I reply, flashing him with my fake smile again. Our drinks are placed onto the table again and I grab my own taking a small sip. 

"I see that you and Asher are back to your old ways", Dmitri says chuckling, pointing to the remains of white dust on the table. I feel a strong hand squeeze my thigh and I chuckle back, "Oh old man, did you really expect anything less?". 

"I, of course didn't", another voice interrupts. I look up and see Nikolai now standing at our table with another man. My eyes travel up the tall body and see the man who used to sleep in my sheets as a teenager, but now is only shards of the boy I used to know. Sebastian Bianchi. 

As children and teenagers, Nikolai, Sebastian and Carlos were always together. They had some weird bond that made them completely inseparable. But after my supposed death and my running away to Russia, Nik didn't get to see them as often. But now it seems that time hasn't changed the bond that they shared.

His blue eyes eyes bore into my green. He examines everything about what I'm doing and scoffs. "I never knew the new American Mafia leader just throws herself around to all the males". I could have sworded that there was a hint of jealousy in his voice.  

I roll my eyes, "And the Italian Mafia leader does not the same to the females of the world, maybe even more than the American". 

"Now is not the time to fight", Alejandro speaks up again. I sit back further into Asher's chest, feeling completely and utterly bored and annoyed with this whole situation, not even the current high I'm sporting is helping. Asher seems to notice this as he rubs my thigh once more and his lips brush against my ear. "Now that we have majority of the world's mafia leaders here, let's speak about business". 

"And what business is that Alejandro?", Sebastian asks. 

"Just some war threats", he replies. 

I scoff, "I am not allied with you and I do not wish to be, so this is where I will take my leave". I grab the glass and down the rest of the liquid quickly and leave the table. I don't want to be involved in his shit. I don't make it far before I'm stopped by his voice once more, "And that is why you will be a foolish leader girl". 

I turn back around feeling rage flow through my veins. I take another step closer the man and look down into his brown eyes. "Solo perché non voglio che la mia mafia sia associata al tuo stronzo non significa che sarò un leader sciocco" (Just because I don't want my mafia associated with your asshole does not mean I will be a foolish leader), I tell him. 

"È lì che ti sbagli" (that is where you are wrong), he bites back. I quickly grab one of the daggers strapped to my skin and put it to his neck. Just a little more pressure and I can finally get rid of the man who haunts my nights. I can finally avenge my Mother and that little innocent girl I once was. My revenge. His eyes show pure fear, but he masks it by laughing to himself. You should be fucking scared bitch. I can hear Nikolai letting out a string of curses as I press the blade further into his neck and a trial of blood leaves his neck. Just a little deeper. 

"Viola, stand down", Dmitri orders, "Сейчас не время" (Now is not the time)

I can hear Dmitri order me, but I don't care. All I care about is finally killing the asshole who ruined my life. The man who haunts my nights. The man who stole my mother from me, before my own eyes. The man who forced me into an emotionless killing machine. The man who broke my once fragile heart. 

"Aren't you going to listen to your daddy?", Alejandro taunts. 

I chuckle at the irony of his words. "Dmitri is nothing like the asshole which my father is", I tell him, not backing down from his stare or words. I feel a slight tremble in my fingers and quickly withdraw my weapon before he can see my weakness. 

"Aww, la povera ragazza ha dei problemi con papà?" (Aww, does the poor girl have some daddy issues), Sebastian says. 

"Last time I checked it wasn't any of your business Bianchi", I bark back, "E non parlarmi dei problemi di papà quando hai i tuoi, ipocrita" (And don't talk to me about daddy issues when you have your own, hypocrite)

"Oh amore, when will you get it, everything is my business", he smirks. "E almeno non mi nascondo dalla verità" (And at least I don't hide from the truth)

Before I can reply once more, my arm is grabbed by a strong grip. "I think that it is time Viola and I take our leave", Asher says, "It was lovely catching up with you all". 

Asher then pulls me away from the table and I can feel his eyes on me the entire time. We exist the club and Asher takes me into an alleyway. He cages me into the wall and his body. I look up into his eyes and smirk, "So are we going to finish what we started, or what?". 

Asher rolls his eyes before smashing his lips onto mine again. I kiss back instantly. I brush my tongue against his lips and he grants me access to his mouth almost immediately. Our tongues dance together and his hands roam over my body, tracing every curve. 

I break the kiss and pull him into the street. We practically run to my hotel which is only a block away. We enter the elevator with an elderly couple in front of us and we wait impatiently for the lift to reach the level. Asher's hand travels down my stomach and his fingers trace over my panties. I feel myself react to his touch and I just pray that the couple in front of us don't notice.

After what seems to be an eternity, the elevator dings open, telling us that we have reacher our destination. I pull Asher out and I unlock my hotel room door. And our lips connect once more. Our clothes are discarded across the room as our we move onto the bed. 

(1452 WORDS) 

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