Chapter 42 - Mine

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His hand was traveling dangerously low on my body and I had to repress a shiver. His fingers were resting underneath the waistband of my skirt, skimming the lace covering me. 

Each step that we took, he pressed his body further into mine. Lips skimmed the side of my neck and I felt the bile rise up in my throat.

It wasn't for much longer, I kept telling myself. 

Soon, not much longer and then you can sink your knife into him and watch the life drain from his eyes. 

Arlo Reyes. He is one my father's most trusted advisors, and, was my father's first choice of punishment for me. 


73 times my father sent him to me. 73 times where I fought until I had nothing left in me. 73 times where I felt more of my soul leave me. 

73 fucking times. 

I wasn't going to let there be a 74th time. I wasn't going to let it be another little girl's 7th or their 12th or even their 1st. I wasn't going to let it continue. It was going to stop. 

Arlo opened the door and we stepped outside into the alleyway. The air was cool, but it was fine, I wasn't planning on being here long. 

"Come here sexy", he slurred, moving his hand lower till it was cupping my ass. 


"I'm okay", I replied taking a step away, ripping his grimy hands from my body. 

Arlo blinked confused but I continued before he could say anything. 

"I've seen your dick before and trust me it is nothing special", I laughed. 

I pulled my gun out, turning off the safety and pointed it at him and pulled the trigger. 

He fell to the ground exclaiming out in pain. 


I chuckled, "What a fucking pussy". 

I pulled the trigger again. 

Two. Three. Four. 

"Who are you?!", Arlo cried out, clutching at his stomach which was rapidly leaking blood, "You are fucking crazy!"

I cocked my head to the side smiling. 

"Oh my god! I swear I am having some sort of deja vu right now! I swear it's so funny, your friend Donovan Guella, you know him? Well he literally said the exact same thing to me!",

I shot him again. 


"You know when I killed him", I shrugged my shoulders. 

Arlo's eyes light up in fear. 

"Y-you killed Donovan!", he yelled, pointing a shaking finger at me. 

I rolled my eyes, "That is what I just said, isn't it?"

God men are so dumb. 

"You fucking psycho bitch!"

How original. 

"Yes, yes I know, I'm the crazy one, you know it isn't like I raped multiple women and children, or anything like that", I rolled my eyes pulling the trigger again, this time shooting at both his legs to prevent him from running away. 

Six. Seven. Eight. 

"I don't know what you are talking about!", Arlo lied straight through his yellow teeth. His words were telling one story, but his eyes told another, he knew the truth. 

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