Chapter 29 - Explanations

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"Wait so explain it to me again?", Nikolai says with a perplexed expression.

Sighing and leaning back into the chair I was seated in, I explain the night out again to the group, for maybe the third time, "Seriously, how many times do I need to go through this? I will go slower this time, I guess. So I went out to the club".

"Yes", Nik gestures for me to go on. 

"Then while I was there I went outside to some alleyway", I say leaving out the heated make out session that I had in said alleyway, it wasn't really something I had wanted to disclose with my biological brother, brother by all of means and my so-called enemy being here. 

"Yeah, I go that"

"And then I'm assuming that I was drugged and then I woke up in some basement, where Jacob revealed himself, stabbed me, and I escaped", I state, I wince as I feel the needle dig once again into my arm, stichting the wound that I had there.

"Stop moving", Sebastian scolds. 

"Fuck off, you suck at this", I bite back, "Are you even doing it properly?"

I was tired, my coffee hadn't done much to bring back my energy. My body was sore and I was developing a pounding headache that was worsening by the second, which I was sure was from the alcohol and whatever they had used to knock me out. And to make matters worse, I still haven't even had the chance to shower. The blood on my skin had turned hard and seemed to stained it. I was still in my black dress which was completely ruined from not only the blood, but also from being torn in a few different places. 

Sebastian squeezes my lower arm tightly and shreds the needle through my skin again, "Of course I know what I'm doing, just stop moving and I will be finished soon". 

"Whatever", I state, before looking over to Nikolai who still looks confused, "What?".

"I still don't understand who Jacob is, and how none of us have ever heard of him before?", he proses. 

I shrug my shoulders, which makes Sebastian squeeze my arm again, "All I know is that he is apparently Elijah's brother and hates me because I stole his birth right from him, but he's dead now, so it doesn't matter". 

Carlos then walks back into the kitchen, pocketing his phone, "It turns out that Jacob is Elijah's half brother, and his parents hated him, they shipped him to live with some random family after he turned 6. I guess that kind of explains why we hadn't heard of him before". 

Nikolai seems to be about to ask another question and I felt my eyes begin to roll again in annoyance, but there was then the sound of footsteps coming into the kitchen that made us all draw our attention there. 

"Oh God", Maria gasps, "Viola are you okay, dear? Chiara came running into my room whining about how you were painting without her, and I had no clue as to what she was talking about until she explained that you were covered in red paint" 

I smile at Sebastian's mother, "I'm okay Maria, thank you. Just a little cut", I reassure her. 

"Just a little cut, my ass", I heat Sebastian mutter underneath his breath, which immediately perks up his mother's attention. 

"What was that Sebastian?", she questions, "What have we talked about when it comes to muttering smart ass comments? Don't think that I won't unleash my wooden spoon on your 25 year old ass". 

"Oh shit", Nikolai says. 

"Not the wooden spoon", Carlos adds. 

Sebastian releases a deep sigh and I feel his hot breath brush against the arm he is working on, I repressed the shiver that wanted to follow the action. 

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