Chapter 17 - Watched

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The crowd goes wild as I make a move towards my opponent and he takes a step back. I circle my neck, feeling it crack in the process. The Lion and I begin circling one another, neither of us going to make a move. 

"What you too scared?", I taunt the man in front of me. 

He scoffs and goes to grab me, but I swiftly dodge his attack, elbowing his back and stumbles down. He catches himself before he can completely fall to the ground, he then turns to me, a murderous look in his. Finally. He goes to attack me once more, but I move out of his way and this time kick him down. Quickly he gets up from his position on the ground and goes to get me again. Honestly piting him a little, I give him a little slack, allowing for a chance. His fist goes straight to my ribs. Mine to his nose and then his stomach. He counter attacks by slamming his fist into my nose and I soon feel a trickle of blood down my lips, to my chin and lower. I feel a smile grow across my lips and I laugh. The Lion looks almost shocked and I hear the crowded screaming. I punch him in his ribs than his stomach. As he hunches over to clutch his stomach I grab the back of his and bring it to my knee. Repeatedly. I then knee him in his balls and he falls to the ground. He flips over onto his back and before he can get up and I straddle his waist and begin punching him. Each time my fist lands in his face, I feel the rage pulsing through my veins and my mind becomes foggy. And soon all I can hear and see is their taunting faces and words. 





You deserve all of this 


You killed your Mother, you made me kill her

Punch, punch

I never wanted you 


Everything is all your fault 






The face of my dying mother fills my mind. I watch the life once drain from her sky-like blue eyes, then his maniac laughter in the background, mocking me. 

Punch, punch

I continue beating him until I feel the body beneath me go limp.  I open my eyes that I didn't even realised shut and look to see what happened. My opponent's bloodied face is the first thing I see. Then I see and hear the crazed crowd, jumping and screaming. I get up from position on the ground, and the announcer comes running into the rink. 

"There we go folks! The Daga sangrienta succeeds once again!", he screams, "Let's give her a round of applause!" (Bloody Dagger)

The crowd cheers as I leave the rink, feeling all eyes on me. 

Ace stands where I left him, a proud smile on his face. 

"Have my drink waiting for me", I order, before I leave him standing there once again and go to the change rooms. 

"You got it boss!", I hear him yell out to me. 

Once I get in the change rooms, I sit down at one of the benches. I look down to my fists and see a multitude littering my knuckles, blood slowly pouring out of them. Soon a few more drops of blood lands on my hands, and I touch my throbbing nose feeling the blood coming out. I may have broken my nose about 6 other times before, but it still hurts like a a bitch. It was then the door opens quickly. 

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