Chapter 20 - Family

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Sebastian Bianchi 

After the establishment of my alliances with Viola, I left in a hurry. I had gotten too close to her just then. I wasn't sure what it was, but it felt like there was some force pushing me towards, forcing me to be as close as possible to her as I can. I don't why I felt so compelled to see how she was healing. It wasn't like I cared. I just didn't want my enemy turned allie dying of some stupid infection or something like that. 

I got into my car and began speeding down the road. The way she had reacted to my touch just then was interesting. It was different than before. I think back to when I was in her bathroom a few nights ago. All of the scars littered across her body. How did they get there? Who put them there? The most alarming thing of it all, was the fact that shared a scar with Emilia. One on their right hip, a thin, long scar. I never knew how she got it, she wouldn't tell me. The more I think about it, the more I come to realise how little I actually knew about her. She was my best friend. Not Carlos or Nikolai, but Mila. She knew almost everything about me. How to read me, how to make me feel better, how to be with me. But Alejandro took that all away in one single night. 

I remember every detail of that night. Carlos and I had been sent out on some mission, we didn't get home until at least 2 am. But when we did, we were confronted with a sight that I could never forget. From the second we walked in the door there was blood. On the floor. On the walls. Even on the roof. Carlos locked as if he had seen a ghost. He ran into the house screaming, following the trail of blood, as if someone had been dragged. What we found sent me to my knees and neither of us were the same after that. Shaking the memories away I refocus on the road ahead of me, driving on the familiar road to my mansion. 

The guards at the gate immediately let me inside and I drove towards the house. I get out of the car and walks towards the front door, the guard greets me and lets me inside. Hearing noise come from the living room I begin to head that way. 

"Seb!!", I hear a little voice exclaim, and I feel a smile take over. 

She runs towards me and I reach down and pick her up, "Hello, bambina", I say (baby). 

Chiara puts her hands to my cheeks and pushes them together, "Where have you been all day?"

"Just doing some business", I say as I hoist up to sit on my side. 

"Guess what?!", she says. 

"What?!", I fake excitement as I walk us toward the kitchen, getting ready to make some dinner. 

"It is my birthday soon!", Chiara says excitedly. 

I turn around filling a sauce pan with some water, "I know, bambino, do you know how old you are turning?"

She holds up 7 fingers, exclaiming, "This many!"

I chuckle lightly, "Yes that's right, you're almost a big girl now" 

"I already am a big girl", she says with a stubborn tone, arms crossing over her chest. 

"Oh yes I apologise, of course you are", I apologise. 

"You should be sorry", she says and I just laugh. 

I quickly make us some spaghetti carbonara, a favourite in our household. While cooking I hear Mama come into the kitchen and I kiss her cheek. She begins to play with Chiara and we fall into conversation about our days. Soon dinner is served and we are all sat down together eating. I enjoy these moments with my family. During this time I'm not the ruthless leader of the Italian Mafia. I'm just a son and a brother eating dinner with my family. I should be happy. And I am. But I can't help but wonder what it would be like if Mila was here. 

(692 words)

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