Chapter 12 - Business

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I walk through the long hallways of the compound. The sound of arguing my ears. I can't make out what the voices are saying though. I reach the obnoxiously large doors to the meeting room and push them open. All eyes fall onto me and the arguing that was once constant has come to a complete halt. I look around at the large crowd all inside this one room. I make out a few faces, I see Ace looking at me with a sympathetic look. 

"Why am I here?", I say to the room. 

I see a blonde haired man mutter something under his breath to his friend. His friend then scoffs and stares at me. 

"What was that?", I order, "I don't think I heard you there". 

The man looks up to me sending me a death glare, "I was just saying how ridiculous it is that a girl is our leader", he scoffs. 

I roll my eyes. "And isn't it ridiculous that there are still sexist fuckers like you in this modern world", I tell him. 

"What it's not a like a female could properly lead us!", he yells, "Fucking Elijah is setting us up to be killed!". 

I hear a few gasps across the room and whispers take over. I glare at him with a sinister smirk plastered on my lips. I can't wait to teach this fucker a lesson. 

"Elijah chose me, not you last time I checked", I start, "And it also not the 15th Century anymore so you can stop this act of males are the better sex, don't forget how you came into this world". 

"That doesn't change the fact that you are nearly just a weak little girl", he spits back. 

In one swift movement I shoot him straight between the eyes. I hear even more gasps erupt from the room and look up to see the faces of shocked men. My eyes connect with Felix's and he nods at me. 

"Take this as a warning", I tell the room, "I don't care what you think about me, but I am now your leader and I will not put up with anyone's shit". I watch over the room and see the nods of approval from the group. 

"Well, now that is finished, I'm going to get a drink", I say and walk out the room. 

I walk through the familiar halls once again, the only sound is my heels connecting with the wood floor. I take a deep breath and pull out my phone and see a message from Asher. 

(bold is Viola)


Hi Asher

I'm in New York and was wondering if you wanted to catch up?

Asher is in New York? Why is he here? He should be back in Russia doing whatever Dmitri wants him to do. Before I can ask Asher why he is here, I get another message from him 

I will explain later

Yeah okay, you pick where we go

Level 3? 

I will be there in 30 minutes

At The Club..........

I walk into the clustered room and smell the addicting armour. I glance over the crowd, in search of Asher. I spot the familiar mop of brunette hair snorting up some white dust from the table. I walk over to the table and sit down. 

"Got any for me?", I ask. His eyes lock with mine, but it doesn't last long. His eyes travel up and down my body taking in my outfit. He licks his lips and looks at my own. He reaches into his pocket and grabs a clear plastic bag filled with pills. 

"For you, always", Asher says with a smirk. 

I roll my eyes and grab the bag, and his arm comes to the top of the booth behind me. I pick out two of the while pills and place them on the table. I grab the already empty glass in front of Asher and I crush the pills till they are white dust. Asher picks up his black card and forms it into one straight line. I hold down one side of my nose and take in the contents of the dust. I get up feeling a tiny bit of the high already. I lean back against the cushion of the booth and look at Asher who has a smug smirk on his lips. 

I take this as my own time to check him out. His chiseled face has a stubble on it and it really suits him, I always did prefer him with facial hair. His piecering green eyes star into my own, but I don't back down. Asher's smirk turns into a smile as he calls a waitress over. The girl is barely wearing any clothes. 

"Get me another whiskey and vodka tonic for this lovely lady here", Asher orders with a wink. The girl turns a shade of crimson red and nods. She walks away to the bar and orders our drinks. I look up to an amused Asher and scoff. 

"Hey it's not my fault", he chuckles as his arm moves down from the top of the booth to rest on top of my shoulders. 

Naturally, I feel my body slightly into his, "No but it is your fault that you are a notorious fuck boy", I tell him. 

"And what about you, Miss I-don't-do-relationships-only-meaningless-sex", Asher says. 

"Yes, but you love my meaningless sex Asher", I say looking up to him. The waitress comes back and places our drinks on the table. Asher takes his own and drinks it, "Touchè", he replies. 

I smile a little as I drink my own drink. The clear liquid burns a little as it travels down my throat but its refreshing. "So why are you here?", I ask. 

"Dmitri wanted me to come down and see how you are going with your new responsibility", Asher replies. I nod in reply and finish my drink. I look back to the dancing crowd and see the various people grinding on each other. I grab out a cigarette from my pocket and look up to Asher. He groans and searches his pockets, then finally pulls out his black lighter. I put the white cancer stick to my lips and he lights it. 

I inhale the contents and remove it from my lips. I don't exhale yet, but instead I pull Asher's lips down onto my own and exhale into his mouth. His lips dance with mine for a moment before he removes them and a cloud of grey escapes his lips. I put it to my lips once more and take a long drag, except this time I release the cloud into the air, not Asher's mouth. 

I feel a hand go onto my thigh and I take another drag. The hand travels up to the top of my inner thigh, dangerously close to what lies in between my hips and thighs. Asher takes the cigarette from my hands and puts it to his lips and takes a drag. He places the finished cancer stick onto the table putting it out. 

In one swift movement he grips my waist pulls me into his lap. I straddle his lips and look down into his lust filled eyes. His hands rub up and down my thighs and I feel a burning need start to build up in me. I smash onto my lips onto Asher's once more and we fight for dominance in out hungry kiss. I grind my hips against his own and groan erupts from the back of his throat, muffled by my moving mouth. 

He lips leave mine and he moves to my neck. "Fuck, I missed this, you", he says in between wet kisses on my neck. Asher explores my neck and I lean my head back in pleasure. Asher stops his kisses and I bring my head back down and look at him. His eyes look behind my back and chuckles. His hand draws over the various daggers stashed on my thighs and says, "We have company". 

I shuffle on his lap and look behind me to see him standing there. 

(1347 WORDS)

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