Chapter 5 - The Encounter

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I grip onto his wrist and pull his grip off my throat. I push him against the wall I was just pressed against and I put my gun to his head. He chuckles at me. I look into his eyes and I don't see any bit of fear in them. 

"What do you want?", I ask him sternly. 

He moves his face closer to mine and I can feel his hot breath on my face. "What are you up to?", he asks in the same tone as I gave him. 

I roll my eyes, "Like I would tell you". He scoffs at me and puts his hands around my throat again. I look down at him and smile, "kinky", I tell him. He rolls his eyes to reply. I lift my legs and kick him in the crotch. His releases his grip around me immediately and groans in pain. I think I him mutter, "Gesù Cristo, non di nuovo". I go to walk away and he pulls me back. (Jesus Christ, not again)

He cages me against the wall holding my two hands above my head with one of his hands. I can feel his breath against my face, mixing with my own. He tsks as his other hand ventures down my body, I feel my heart begin to race, memories of his touch flashing through my mind. He retrieves one of the many daggers I had hidden and drags it up my body, just skimming not enough pressure to make me bleed, but if did a little bit more, I was sure that he was draw blood. 

"Attacking a woman with her own weapon, how rude", I say in a scolding tone. 

His grip on my wrists tightens slightly, "Who said I would hurt you, maybe I just want to have some fun with you", his lips skim my own and I feel electric shocks shoot across my body. 

He draws back for a moment and he brings my dagger up to my face. He uses the tip to circle my features, until he reaches my lips where he uses it to drag down my bottom lip, I feel it pierce the skin there and slowly blood drips from my lip down to my chest. His eyes following the trial of crimson. 

"I have a feeling that you would let me do whatever I wanted to you", he speaks as low as a whisper. 

It was then I snapped out of the trance he placed me under. I begin fighting against his grip, making the blade cut a little bit deeper. "Get off of me"

Sebastian removes the dagger from my lip and pockets it, "Don't worry amore, I won't do anything to you. Well yet at least, I won't touch you not until you want me to, and trust me you will want me to"

I scoff, "In your dreams". 

Maybe Emilia Morales wanted Sebastian Bianchi, but I can assure you that Viola Hart does not. 

"Mmm, yes and in them you will be on your knees begging for me" 

I roll my eyes, "I don't get on my knees for anyone, and now let me go" 

Sebastian gives me one last once over before his grip on my wrists loosens and I rip them away from him. I slip away from the wall and from him before looking back at him once more. I then reach down to my thigh holster pulling out my gun. I turn the safety off and shoot him in the shoulder. Sebastian reaches up to his shoulder and looks at me with a devilish smirk over-taking his features.

"That's for making me bleed", I say before I take off down the alleyway. 


I run down the street till I'm in a large crowd of people and Sebastian won't be able to find me. I walk down the streets till I am outside my hotel building. I walk into it and make my way towards the elevator. I press the 30 button and feel it's movement. I pull out my phone and see that I see that I have a few messages from Nikolai. 

What time do you want to go to dinner? 

Why aren't you answering my messages? 

I swear to god if you have gotten yourself killed I'm going to kill you and my dad is going to kill me!

I smile at his concern and go to text back but the elevator doors open. I step out and walk towards my room, unlocking the door with the gold swipe card. Making my way towards the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. Honestly I kinda look hot. My lips have turned into a dark shade of red from the blood. There is a line of blood going from lip down to the swell of my chest. No wonder Sebby-boy was acting so horny. 

Sebastian Bianchi POV

I wash my shoulder and stomach in some rubbing alcohol to clean it. I hiss as it burns against my skin. The once white cotton washer has turned crimson from the blood that was escaping from my body. I chuck a few rough stitches on my wounds and I look into the mirror. The face I see in the reflection is one that I can hardly recognise anymore. I have changed. Not only physically but also mentally and it's all because of one girl. I grip the sink counter shaking the memories from my mind and focus my attention back on the woman who I just can't seem to get out of my mind.

Viola Hart. God was she annoying. For years now she has been getting on my nerves. Every function we somehow manage to engage in some form of violent act. Neither of us can ever seem to win, our strengths evenly matched. I scoff at that. Obviously I am stronger than her, you should see her spaghetti arms, thinner than the shitty pasta you buy from the grocery store. A fucking disgrace and insult to the legacy that is Italian food if I'm being honest.  

Over the years I have tried to find something, anything that will give the upper hand over her. But I always find nothing, it's like she doesn't even exist. All I am ever given is just tells me her name, age and her code name, the bloody dagger, there is also a phone number you can use for missions. In our fight I noticed that she had used a dagger on me. I guess that's her weapon of choice. I roll my eyes when I think back to an hour prior. I twirl the weapon I stole from her between my fingers observing it. On the handle is an engraving, "10/5/2017". I wonder what it signifies? 

Viola Hart infuriates me like no other. The way she acts like she runs the place and that everyone should fall at her feet. I just want to put a bullet in between her eyes and see the life be taken away from her green eyes. Those green eyes that make me think of my past. The one's that reflect the eyes of the only person who I opened my heart to. She is a constant reminder and I hated it. I hated the way she fought back at the same strength as I did. I hated the way that she wouldn't let me beat her. We always best each other, honestly it one of the only constants in myself. Maybe that is why I can't seem to stay away. 

(1255 WORDS)

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