Chapter 37 - Information

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"The plan in simple, we get the information we need and then we get out as soon as possible", Nikolai explains, "Vi and Seb will leave at some point and use this hard drive to transfer what we need to our servers, we will distract everyone else". 

"Sounds easy enough", Carlos says from beside me in the back of Sebastian's car. 

We were currently heading towards the Monet mansion, where we all had received an invitation to dinner. Antonie Monet, the French Mafia Don, had claimed this dinner was to simply 'catch up', but we knew better. This was being used to see our weaknesses, where we were vulnerable. 

Antonie didn't know we knew of his alliance with Alejandro. He believes that he has one up on us, but little did he know, he was actually helping us. 

We were going to steal all of his information and records, while also planting a virus into his server that will give us permanent access to every single technological device within his precious little mafia. Every server. Every document. Every plan. Every description of buildings and bases. 

"I still don't understand why I can't just do this by myself?", I said while admiring my freshly painted red nails to match my red lipstick, "I mean it isn't that hard, all I'm doing is sticking this into his laptop".

"Because who the fuck knows what you would do by yourself, you would probably ruin this entire mission, by making a stupid mistake", Sebastian grumbled from his position behind the driver seat. 

His fingers tightened against the wheel illuminated the silver rings there, in what seem to be annoyance. 

Fine. He can be annoyed at me. I'm annoyed at him too. I had spent 30 minutes earlier covering up the remnants of the bruises he had left on my neck. They were pretty much all faded, but I wasn't about to walk into the enemies house with an obvious injury right there. 

"Shut up asshole, no one asked you", I clipped back. 

"They didn't need to, everyone was thinking it", Sebastian bit back. 

"Now, now children, let's stop fighting", Nikolai chimed in, "Let us have a civil night for once"

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, but I get to hold the hard drive", I stated grabbing the hard drive from Nikolai's hand and slipping it into my bra. 

Nik smirked, "Great now happy faces, we are nearly there!". 

I looked through the front windscreen and saw that we were getting close, we had begun to slow down as we approached a set of metal gates which had two sets of guards in front of it. 

They moved out of the way as the gate began to open slowly and nodded towards us. Sebastian drove down the driveway and as we turned past the trees lining the road, the mansion was revealed to us. 

It was all too elaborate, exactly like Antonie himself. There was too much happening all that once. Too distracting. Just like Antonio once again, too distracted to take notice to what was even happening right under his nose. 

The car came to a halt and I opened my door and stepped out onto the gravel floor. I pulled down my black dress so it sat just at my mid thigh, concealing the weapons that I had stashed there. 

The boys too had also stepped outside of the car and Nikolai  had come to stand next to me, where he placed his hand on the small of my back and leaned in to whisper in my ear. 

"Play nice"

I scoffed, "I'm always nice"

This time Nik scoffed and rolled his eyes. 

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