Chapter 14 - Questions

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Sebastian Bianchi 

I watch Viola watch away with the guy whose lap she was sitting in earlier, a bitter sensation residing in my veins. I didn't know who he was. I assumed he was apart of the Russian Mafia due to his accent. But who was he to Viola? And why did I care? 

Watching her leave with him made me mad. I didn't want her to leave with him. I guess that was maybe why I began insulting her and insinuated that she was a slut. I mean I can't really talk. Ever since her, I haven't been able to form any real connections with a woman and have found that sex is the only way the numb the pain of her absence. 

But when Nik messaged me about wanting to go out tonight, I accepted with the slight hope that Viola would be there, just so I can be reminded of her once again. Her eyes. They are almost the exact shade of Mila's, and I love and hate them at the same time. When I look at Viola I only am reminded of my failure to protect her. When I look at Viola I think of Emilia. And I hate her for it. 

Drawing my attention back to the man who murdered his daughter, I see him still ranting about how the Japanese Mafia are plotting against him and how we need to help him. To be honest, if the rumours were true, I wish that I could join the Japanese in their plans in the plotting the demise of this man. Our two Mafia's used to be so strong together, but that all changed after that one night 6 years ago. My father, despite being the evil man that he is, couldn't stand to be so closely linked to a man that so easily could murder his wife and daughter. The only reason we haven't made a move against them is for the sake of my friendship with Carlos and not wanting to start a war. 

The man of the hour then begins to ask me a question, "I can trust that you will be backing us during this time, Sebastian, right?"

Running my finger around the rim of my scotch glass, I answer, "We have no interest in getting involved with Spanish matters, we have our own to attend to".

"Ahhh, always the bystander, Sebastian", Alejandro decrees, "What happened, you used to be so much more eager to join in on a fight? I guess the loss of your little love may have done it"

Beside me Nikolai inhales a sharp breath. A silence filled with tension comes across the table. The desire to draw the gun from my waistband and implant a bullet right in between Alejandro's eyes becomes all too alluring. I was only stopped by Dmitri speaking up. 

"Now, now, let us leave the past in the past, we do not need reminding of it", He begins, "How about we not ruin a good night and leave it as it is?"

"Fine by me!", Nikolai says as he gets up, "Bianchi want to hit up another club?"

"Sounds good", I say leaving with Nik. 

Once we get out of the club Nik once again speaks up, "Well that was drama filled! Honestly worse than the soap operas my Mama watches" 

I chuckle slightly, "You're telling me"

A silence over comes us once more as we begin walking down the street mindlessly, Nikolai stumbling over his own feet. Fucking lightweight. It was then a question arises in my mind.

"What is the deal with Viola anyway?"

The blind eye would not have noticed Nik straightening his body and the tension in his shoulders after my question, but I did. He was nervous. In the world that we live in, you soon learn to notice every single little detail about one's posture and body language, it can tell you so much more than words. But I didn't understand why he was getting so nervous about this. 

"Umm why do you ask?", he attempts to make himself appear to be nonchalant. 

"Just wondering, how long have you known her, you two seem close?", I continue thinking about how his arm was wrapped around her waist, handing resting the on the small of her back and the way that she leaned into his touch, at the Mafia ball. 

Nik clears his throat, "Yeah, she is like a sister to me, and for how long I have known her, honestly is seems like I have known her my whole life", he nervously chuckles at the end. 

I hum at his answer as I fish out a cigarette from my pocket, offering one to Nik and he takes one. Exhaling some smoke into the air I think back to Emilia. She had always loved New York City. 

(803 words) 

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