Chapter 59 - catching my breath as i bled on the ground

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!You have been warned!


Black Hole P.O.V:

I sit silently next to Tree, the low rumble of the car clearing up some of the noise.

"We're going to a party!!!!" Jr. sings. They sing softly about wanting to go to a party. I doubt they made up that song on the spot...I wonder who sings it.

"How much longer until we're there?" I ask, looking around at the unfamiliar neighborhood. Tree shrugs, "Maybe a few more minutes."

I nod, looking out the window again. Houses rush past the window, it's kind of weird. I never did like the way that looked. Because all I really can see is...tree, cloud...tree, cloud...rock.

Ooh rock!

 "You look so interested on what's going on outside babe-" Tree laughs. I turn around, "Oh- yeah...just y'know...starin' at clouds..." I chuckle, awkwardly.

You're so awkward...that's why no one likes yo-

Shut up voice! I'm supposed to be better now!! Read the room!!!

"Well you look cute..." Tree whispers, chuckling and getting their eyes back on the road. I feel my face heat up, blush spreading across it.

"Tree..." I chuckle, feeling warm all of a sudden. "Oh get a room..." Jr. huffs, folding their arms in his seat.

"But...we're in a car...?" I ask, confused. What? Why would we get a room? We're in a car...we also have a I don't think we'd need an extra room...

"-Jr." Tree says, rolling his eyes. Oops...missed that bit of the conversation. C'mon the thing you're supposed to...

You can't even behave should just give up- Hey is that a bird?

I turn to look out the window, the car is stopped for now so I have a clear view outside. There's a little baby pigeon! They're so cute...I wonder if I were to get a pet if Tree would let me keep it but I honestly don't know I know a pet is a big responsibility but they're so cute so it'd probably be-

"We're here!" Tree smiles, pulling into a driveway. I snap out of my thoughts...the second time this hour? Wow brain did you not sleep last night or something...?

"C'mon, don't forget anything here okay?" Tree tells Jr. as we hop out of the car. CJ nods, "Uncle Penn!!!!!!" CJ shouts, seeing Pen in the door way.

"Hey kiddo!! Come one you guys!" Pen smiles, gesturing towards me and Tree. Tree grabs my hand, smiling as they lead me into the house.

I sigh, walking through Pen's house to get to his backyard. His house is pretty messy...random things are strewn all over the place. I think his analog clock is smashed on the ground...kind of looks like he drew a face on it...

"Hey guys! Good to see you again!" Tree smiles as we step outside into Pen's backyard. Bottle greets us with a small smile and a wave. While remote comes over and gives me a hug, I jump back a bit, startled.

"Hey guys! Glad you could make it! Here we have bubble wands!" She smiles, holding up a little stick with a hole in it. "Cool!" I smile, though I don't know much about what she's talking about...

"Hey Tree." Liy smiles, walking over to us. "Black Hole too! Nice to see you guys."

I smile, Jr. tugs at my hand and points a machine thing they've set up. "It's a bubble machine! It spits out bubbles and you can run around chasing them! On days we were good at the orphanage they'd take it out and let us play!" Jr. smiles, running over to the small black box. 

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