Chapter 15 - Combler la lacune Voler face à la lune

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Cherry Jr. P.O.V:

We get back to the house, I happily enter it with my sketchbook in hand. The others follow behind me, chatting a bit. I smile widely as I go in my new room. It was nice, it was the first time I had gotten my own space.

I leave my stuff on the ground, walking back outside in the living room. Black Hole and Tree chat on the sofa. I walk over and sit on the ground in front of them.

We continue like this for a while. I listen in on their conversation a bit, it was comfortable.

"We should head to bed's late." Tree says, getting up and stretching. Black Hole does the same, smiling towards me.

"Lets get you to bed," They say as I get up. I nod, smiling as we begin to walk to my new room. I get my pajamas out of my bag and go over to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and pull on my clothes.

I run back out to grab my toothbrush. " were in there for like two minutes-" Black Hole says as they watch me get my stuff. I shrug, "I just shower quick, everyone at the orphanage did."

They nod as I run back into the bathroom. I finish brushing up my teeth, rinsing out my mouth. I walk back into my room, finding Black Hole sitting on the ground. I sit down next to them, warm sunlight streaming through windows. The sun set was always my favorite part of the day.

"What time is it?" I ask, yawning. They look at the sky for a bit. "6:29" They say automatically.

"You can tell what time it by just looking at the sky?" I ask, fascinated. They shrug, smiling a bit at me. "I guess..."

I yawn yet again, rubbing my eyes a bit. They wrap their arm and tail around me, holding me in a nice hug.

"We should get you to bed." They say, picking me up. I groan a bit, "But it's only like 6:30...." I complain feeling myself being lifted into bed. They chuckle a bit, pulling the blankets over me.

"Well, you had a long day, so you should head bed." They say, patting my head. I smile, drifting off to sleep.

"Thanks..." I mumble, hiding my face in my pillow. "I love you..." I whisper, watching them leave. They smile back at me as they close the door.

"Love you too..."

Black Hole P.O.V:

I walk up into Tree's room. I do have to sleep there from now on apparently. I walk in, hearing the sound of running water. I decide to just sit down on the floor again.

I sit around for a few minutes, fidgeting with my hands. I hear the water stop, looking at the door connected to their room. I watch as they step out of the door, they look surprised to see me. "Hey babe!- What're...what're you doing?"

"Waiting for you," I say, sitting down still. "Where's your shirt?" I ask, turning my head to look at them.

"Oh!- Um-...I-I left it in here...I- uh- didn't expect you to be in here-...hehe..." They chuckle, a red hue spreading across their face.

"Oh okay," I say looking at the bed, "Here it is." I say, handing it to them. They give me a weak smile. "Th-thanks love..."

They motion for me to sit on the bed with them. I oblige, sitting down next to them.

"Do you need to shower as well?" They ask, laying down on the bed. I nod, "Can I just...wash myself?" I ask, they nod handing me some clothing.

"Those are some clothes that are to big for me, you can use them." Tree says before shutting their eyes. I nod, going into the bathroom.

I turn the water on and quickly wash myself. I had been in the same clothes for like a week. I get out of the shower and put on the clothes Tree got me. I decide to just leave my old ones on the floor. I could get them later.

"I'm back." I say, walking back into the room. They smile from the bed, patting the edge of it for me to sit down. I sit, laying on top of them.

They sigh, pulling me up to be next to them. Hiding in the crook of my neck, I giggle, kissing their forehead.

"Are you okay?" I ask, holding their waist. They nod, "Just tired..."

"I assumed as much," I tell them, patting their head. We continue to lay like this, chatting occasionally. But, we mostly just enjoy each others company. The sky darkens, bringing with it the wonders of the night.

Along with sleep deprivation.

"Babe...we should head to bed..." They yawn, continuing to hide in my neck. I nod my head, flicking the lights off with a random object.

"G'night..." They mumble, kissing my neck. I giggle, embarrassed. "Good night love...sleep well."


Tree had fallen asleep, its been a few hours. I couldn't fall asleep, not wanting to wake up my love.

The soft creaking of the house made it a bit earie...but I think I was alright. I just decide to lay here, unmoving. It was nice to just rewind and destress after a stressful day. The creaking sort of makes me feel uneasy, just ignore it...

Just ignore it.

"B-Black Hole?"

I look up to see Jr. standing in the door way. I give them a worried look, "Are you okay Jr.? What's wrong?"

They clamber over to the side of the bed. Tear stains running down their cheeks. I attempt to sit up, looking at them in the dim light. "What's wrong? What happened?"

They sniffle, "I-I had a n-nightmare..." They stutter, wiping their eyes with their sleeve. I frown, looking at Tree for a moment. "Would you like to sleep with us tonight?" I ask, holding their hand for a few moments.

They nod and slide next to me into the bed. Hopefully Tree doesn't mind in the morning. I pat Jr.'s head, hoping to lull them to sleep. They smile, gratefully as their eyes become heavy.

"Th-thank you...s-sorry I woke you up..." They mutter, I shake my head. "You didn't wake me up, I wasn't asleep."

They yawn, "How come?" they inquire, I shake my head. "I don't know, I guess I just wasn't tired."

They nod, hugging my arm for comfort. I continue to pat their head, hopefully lulling them to sleep. Shutting their eyes, they smile, returning to sleep.

I smile, happy I could help. I shut my own eyes, hoping to join them in sleep. It probably won't happen, but at least it gives me thinking time. It's better than nothing I suppose, allows my mind to unravel.

Time slows down as I get lost in thought. Random things pop up in my mind before disappearing without a trace. Strange, it's really strange.

Oh well, I like strange anyways.


Word Count: 1128

yay! I've actually been posting consistently again! Hooray! I also had 64 FUCKING NOTIFICATIONS TODAY WTF YOU GUYS WHAT HAVE YOU DONE /j

I love ya'll <3

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