Chapter 58 - i was a victim of magic, apollo

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*A week or so after the last chapter :)*

Tree P.O.V:

I think things have gotten better.

Black Hole and CJ have been going on walks together. Wish I could come with them, (Curse my well paying job with reasonable hours.) He also helps a ton around the house, and at the flower shop.

He's been listening to music, mainly stuff I recommended to him. But Remote has also had her fair share of recommendations. Mainly Hatsune Miku, hey, I don't judge.

He's overall been doing a lot better, even if it's only been about a week. I think the talk helped him...but can't be to sure yet I guess. What matters now is that he's happy and well. I'm happy for him, I'm glad they're more open about their feelings now.

"TREEEEEE!!!!!!!" A familiar voice screams from outside. I sigh, what did Jr. do now...? I ask myself, setting down my book and getting up from the couch and walking to the backyard.


"Hehe! I'm stuck in a bucket!" The kid smiles, low and behold. He's in one of those Home depot buckets, his arms barely poking out. Black hole is next to them, freaking out on how to get him out.

"Uhm- Uh- DON'T WORRY JR- I'LL HELP- UH-" They stammer, looking around for a tool to assist the kid. "Oh my god," I groan, walking over to them.

"Here, grabs my arms." I sigh, they oblige. Yanking proves to do no help, as they're still as stuck as ever. "Why on earth did you think this was a good idea!?!?" I ask helplessly. They attempt to shrug, but you know.

They're in a bucket.

"How about we try and dump water on them and then pull??" Black Hole asks helplessly. I give a skeptical nod, "We could try?"

"I'll get the hose," They stammer, stumbling over to the spigot. "This is like a crappy water park!" Jr, smiles, wiggling around inside the bucket. I slap my forehead, "In a way, yes. Just don't do this again...okay kid?"

They nod, "Sorreee-" I can't help but smile, "You're fine..."

"WOah!!-" Black Hole shouts, grabbing the hose. as it almost fires right in their face. I laugh a bit, "You good there babe?" I ask, they nod. "Y-yeah I'm- Uhm... help?" He sighs, I glance over again and most of the hose is wrapped around them. I can't help but burst out laughing, Jr. also does, falling over in his bucket.

"I-It's not that funny-" They stammer, holding back their own laughs. I wipe my eyes and help them untangle themself. "You're funny Babe..." I chuckle, kissing their cheek.

"Th-thanks..." They smile, messing with the hose a bit. "I- Oops-" Water spurts out of the hose, hitting Jr. directly in the face. 

"HEY!" They shout, sputtering a bit from the sudden spray of water. Black Hole laughs a bit more, I do as well while Jr. complains about being wet now. "C'mon bud, lets get you out of here."

Black Hole partially fills up the bucket with water. Then, both of us grab on of their arms and pull. "I think it's working-" Jr. says, slowly being lifted out of their orange bucket prison.

"Hey Tree I- What the hell are you guys doing?-" Pen says as he looks outside. The three of us yelp and fall to the floor. Popping Jr. out of the bucket in the process.

"Well that's one problem solved..." Black Hole says, sitting up and rubbing their head. I groan, "Yeah...also hi Pen...would've been nice for you to wait at the front door like a civilized person."

"Ha, ha, ha." Pen chuckles, rolling his eyes and helping Jr. up. Black Hole walks over and extends an arm for me. "Let me help you," He smiles, I can't help but smile back. Taking his arm as they hoist me to my feet.

Together at The Edge of a UniverseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz