Chapter 49 - no one can be shown

369 11 92

!!Mentions of Eating Disorders!! You have been warned!!


Tree P.O.V:

It's around 3 o clock when we go to pick up Jr. The car ride was pleasant, we chatted a bit. I could kind of tell that Black Hole was nervous for them.

"I was just...I hope they had a good first day..." He whispers, I nod. "Yeah...just try not to be nervous about it, okay?" I ask, pulling into the schools parking lot.

"I can be nervous, just don't stress about it." I smile, grabbing their hand lightly. They nod, squeezing my hand a bit. "Alright, let's go."

Just on time, the school bell rings. Black Hole quietly covers his ears and cringes at the sound. I squeeze their hand tight as we wait near by along with some other parents. They slowly take their headphones out of their bag and place them on their head.

"You okay?" I whisper before they can get them on fully. They nod, "Loud."

I nod back in response, carefully watching the gates for Jr. It's kind of hard with the sea of children running around. Black Hole silently taps their fingers against my hand. I tap back, I'm not sure why we do it, but we've been doing it more recently...maybe I should as them about it, if they're okay with it and all. If they're fine with me touching them, if they're-


I shoot my head up to see Grassy running over and giving me a hug. I smile, hugging him back. "Hey bud! Nice to see you here."

"GRASSY WAIT UP!!!" Firey Jr. yells from behind. Holding Rocky while holding hands with CJ.

"Hey kids!" I smile, ruffling FJ's hair. He laughs, "Hi Uncle Tree!"

"Hi Tree." Cherry Jr. smiles, hugging my leg a bit. I smile wider, "Hey bud."

"Hi dad." CJ smiles, tapping Black Holes leg. They snap out of their little trance at the sudden feeling. I watch as they smile, patting Jr.'s head. "Hey Jr, how was school? Did you have fun?"

They nod, "Yeah! It was a lot less scary after I saw Firey Jr. and I got to see Rocky again!" They smile. Rocky squeaks happily, "Where are your guys parents?" I ask, looking around for Basketball or maybe Leafy.

"Basketball usually gets here around 3:05 to pick up Grassy!" Grassy smiles, sitting on the floor while playing with sticks. Rocky joins him, poking at some pebbles.

"Mr. Cloudy usually comes to pick up Rocky. Not sure if he's running late or something..." FJ says, looking around as well.

"Well, if he doesn't get here I can always call him and have him pick up Rocky at my house?" I suggest. Rocky squeaks happily, still playing with Grassy.

CJ continues to ramble to BH about all the new people he met. Black Hole listens quietly, a soft smile on their face. "...and there's these two kids! They're really cool! They're like twins!"

"That's cause they are twins." FJ chuckles, CJ makes a very quiet 'oooooohhhhhh.' sound.

"Yeah, I've met them. They're names are kind of weird." Firey Jr. says. "They're cherries too! Isn't that cool?" CJ asks, eyes wide with excitement. Black Hole nods, "That's cool Jr. I hope you'll be good friends with them."

The kids continue to chat, one by one their parents start to pick them up. Soon, it's just our little family left. "I think we should head home..." I chuckle, guiding everyone into the car. Jr. continues to eagerly speak of his day, about his friend Gaty, about his teacher Two...

I'm glad that he's liking school. Well, for now, as much as I hate to admit it but High school won't be as kind...

"...and we even get our own cubbies that we get to name! I named mine Bernie!" They smile from the backseat. Black Hole happily continues on the conversation, asking even more about the kids day.

They continue to chat until we reach home, piling out of the car and running inside. Jr. runs in, grabbing an orange from the fridge.

"Did we not pack you enough lunch or something?" I ask, watching them eat the orange. "No, I'm just hungry I guess..."

"Maybe we should pack you more for tomorrow..." Black Hole suggests, grabbing some cups from the cabinet and filling them with water. "Here bub," they smile, handing Jr. a cup.

"Thanks dad!" They smile, drinking the water quickly. They hand me one as well, I nod. "Thank you."

Black Hole sits down next to me, sighing as they lean on my shoulder. "Don't you want water?" I ask, placing my glass on the table. They shrug, "I can do without it."

Jr. runs off into his room, I shift a bit more so I'm facing Black Hole. "Babe...have you been eating recently?"

They freeze a bit, giving me a slow shrug. "Maybe?"

"Don't lie to me." I say sternly, they shrink in their seat. "I mean...I haven't eaten much...t-today? But I've eaten...recently!" They explain, crossing their arms over their chest.

"Black Hole..." I sigh, grabbing their hands. "I'm worried about you, I think I've only seen you eat like once this entire week. Granted, you could be eating when I'm not with you, but all the food seems to be in place so I really doubt that."

"Just please tell me what's going on?" I ask, rubbing circles into their hands. They look away from me, sighing a bit.

"I-I've never had the best eating habits...when I was still living with my...'family'...I didn't eat much." They explain, looking at me with a tired smile. "I-I guess it's carrying over now...I'm sorry..." He whispers, squeezing my hands tightly as they look at the ground.

"Don't apologize..." I whisper back, kissing their forehead. "I'm just worried, I'll help you I promise..."

He gives a shaky nod, wrapping their arms around me. I squeeze them back, kissing their forehead. Their breath is unsteady, but I don't think they're crying...

"You'll be alright...I promise," I whisper, running a hand through their hair.

"Thank you..." They say weakly, the words strangled in his throat. I nod, humming a bit.



Word Count: 990

Hey guys-

Sorry it's been a bit. I've been kinda depressed lately and haven't had the motivation to do anything. Y'know the usual, destroying friendships and questioning if anyone would miss me if I were to suddenly die. The normal stuff lmao.

Take care of yourselves guys <3 I love ya'll

F I R E  C A N I N E S

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