✨Chapter 45 - invisible to some until...

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two chapters.

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Tree P.O.V:

We continue to sit outside, calmly watching Jr. run around. Black Hole still has me trapped in a hug, which is nice...just kind of hard to breath.

My phone rings, Black Hole grumbles in response as they let me go so I can access my phone. "Pen? What's up?"

"Heyyy!!! It's me! You're favorite!!" The voice on the other end says cheerfully. I roll my eyes, "Bottle's my favorite."

"Rude! Okay, so. Me and the others were planning on watching the fireworks tonight? Like, the annual ones?" Pen asks, "Okay...? What do I have to do with this?"

"Dude take the hint- We want you three to come too!!" Pen says, I hear the smile in his voice as I roll my eyes.

"Thanks for thinking of us, I'll ask them and see what they think." I respond, looking over at Black Hole who is already almost asleep again. "Awesome! Hope to see you guys there!" I chuckle, hanging up.

"Love...get up," I nudge, tapping Black Hole lightly. They mumble, looking over at me weakly. "Want to go watch the fireworks?" I ask, placing my hand on theirs.

They give a gentle nod, "Wh-what are fireworks again?" They ask, I laugh. "They're like rockets that make pretty colors when they're fired." I explain, rubbing circles into their hands. They nod, "Yeah...watch the fireworks..." They whisper, leaning on my shoulder.

"We need to find a way to make you more awake..." I chuckle, kissing their cheeks. They emit a low hum of contentment. 

"Jr! Would you like to watch the fireworks?" I ask loudly, they look up from their playing. "The ones that go on every year?" They ask, I nod. "Yeah! I never got to see those in the orphanage!" 

"Well you get to see them now!" I laugh, they run over. Hugging me tightly, "Thanks dad!"

My heart warms as I pat their back. "No problem kiddo, thank Pen, he's the one who invited us."

"I'll thank him later." They shrug, running off to play again. I sigh, shaking my head. "What are we going to do with that kid...?"

"I have no clue." Black Hole mumbles, hiding into the crook of my neck again. We share a dry laugh together, peacefully sitting as the hours go by...


"C'mon Tree lets go!" Black Hole smiles, clearly feeling better. I nod, "One second...do we have everything?" I ask, they nod.

"Blankets, there's going to be food there...uhm...yeah! We have everything!" They smile, grabbing my hand. "Wait, I need to grab something." I realize, running back upstairs. They wait at the bottom for me as I scramble to grab my noise canceling headphones. 

"Why do you need those?" They inquire, watching cautiously as I walk down the stairs. "I know you don't do well with loud noises and bright lights, so I figured that having a way to block out the noise would help." I explain, leading them to the car where Jr. is waiting patiently.

"Oh. That's what they do?" He asks, I nod. "Yeah, pretty much, you can play music on them if you would like?"

"Maybe, I'll see how I feel." They say as I pull out of the driveway. It's 7:43...the fireworks begin at 8:30...so if it'll take 15 minutes to get there we'll have about 30 minutes of down time before we can watch the fireworks...so I'll have to keep them entertained, but also deal with Pillow and Bottle running off and-

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