✨Chapter 42 - bye, hi. sigh hawaii

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Black Hole P.O.V:

Tree angrily drives off, I'm still not completely sure what happened...

"You okay?" I ask, looking over to them. They look over, giving me a tired look. "Y-yeah...sorry...my cousin- She's just!-" He sighs, grumbling a bit.

"I care for her, I get that her childhood wasn't the best...and that she has issues...but..." They explain quietly. I nod, patting their back carefully.

"I...I just feel like a child. I feel like I can't make my own decisions," They sniff, tears brimming in their eyes. "I'm always standing behind some one else...I'm always the one being hurt, the one needing saving." He sighs, turning their attention back to the road. We sit in an uncomfortable silence, only broken by Tree's quiet crying.

"I just want to be stable...for myself." They admit, wiping their eyes. "I only want to be able to make my own choices, not have them made by some one else..." I nod, continuing to comfort them.

"I understand...do you want me to let her know?" I offer, he shakes his head. "Y-you don't have to...I know she's a bit...unhinged?"

"I know, but it's okay. I'll talk to her for you." I smile, putting my hand on theirs. They look at my gesture, then at me. Smiling softly, "Th-thanks love..."

I smile, kissing their hand. "Do you still want to do something? We still have a lot of the night left." I notice, looking at the sky.

He shrugs, "I mean, if you're still up to it...there's not much else to do now..." Tree says, sighing as they pull over into an empty parking lot.

"We can just sit here if you want," I suggest. He sighs, nodding a bit. "I mean...there's not much to do out there..."

I nod, smiling a bit. "I'm just glad I can spend some time with you."

They chuckle, sighing slightly. "Yeah...I'm glad as well..." We sit in a comfortable silence, still holding hands.

"This night has gone a lot different than I thought it would..." He sighs, leaning back in his seat. I nod, a silent act of agreement. The silence continues, stretching across the both of us comfortably.

I hum, looking out the window at the darkening sky. "It looks kind of cloudy..." I whisper, staring at the deep gray sky.

"Oh yeah. It kind of looks like it's going to-"

Thunder suddenly cracks through the sky. Rain quickly following, flooding the sky with droplets.


Tree groans loudly, aggressively slamming his face on the steering wheel. Making the horn sound in the process. "Love! Don't do that!" I say, pulling their face away from the wheel.

"Sorry...I just feel like nothing is going right today!" They say exasperated. "I mean, today! Has...It...I just-"

"It's okay love...you don't need to tell me, I understand." I say, smiling a bit at their melo-dramatic reaction. "We could still do stuff?"

"Like what?" They grumble, looking out the window. "It's pouring out there! And it's late, and like nothing's open. Our spots not even an option!"

I nod slightly, understanding their frustration. To be honest, I don't really have many ideas as well. I stare out the window with them, the rain is coming down in buckets at this point. But...I can still see the moon.

It shines brightly despite the cloudy gray sky. Weird...when it rains I don't usually see the sun...

"Do you still want to walk around? Maybe a little rain can help you clear your mind?" I suggest, they sigh. Giving me a soft smile. "I mean, if this what you mean by 'a little rain' then sure." They say, giving me a more sarcastic look. I roll my eyes, "Okay, sure."

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