✨Chapter 12 - un ensemble d'enfants

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Black Hole P.O.V:

It's been a bit since me and Tree's...'date'...thing...

It was nice meeting new people, even they were much younger than us. I smile, sitting on the couch by myself. It was nice calming...I guess.

Tree said they were going to the store to get some stuff. I wanted to stay at their house, I think they were okay with it. They let me stay. I hope I'm not a burden on them...

I sit idly, staring at the wall.

My hands fidget aimlessly, I feel myself become more uneasy. Sitting in silence, what once was a calming feeling, turned overwhelming. I attempt to take a deep breath to recollect myself, but to no avail.

My eyes dart around the room, staring at things that may not even be there. How could this fall apart so easily like this?

I shut my eyes, hoping to regain my composure. Breathing slowly, I gradually regain my stability.

I wish Tree were here. They would make this so much easier.

Hugging my knees into my thighs, I begin to calm down. What would Tree do? They would probably just tell me to calm down. But at least they would give me a hug. Or something along those lines.

Slowly, the visions disappear. I sigh, grateful they were no longer plaguing my mind. Shaking my head, I rub my hand over my face. Recollecting myself in thought.

Out of nowhere I feel a tap on the shoulder. I jump recoiling from the touch.

It was just Tree. Make a mental note that they also live here you idiot.

"Honey? You okay? You seem a bit jumpy..." They say, leaning over the sofa. I nod quickly shrugging it off. "Oh!- Y-yeah! yeah...I'm fine." I stutter, I can't even talk right...

"Did you not hear me? I said hello to you." They say, playing with my hair. I blush, "N-no...sorry love...I am not the best with uh- hearing..."

They give a gentle nod, continuing to mess with my hair. "You seem pretty tense...has being in the house all day the reason?"

I think for a moment, "I-I am not sure...although, I did miss you greatly today..." I admit, fidgeting a bit again.

The smile, giving me a small kiss. "How about this, We could go on a walk? Would that help you clear your mind?" They suggest, turning my face to look at them. I smile, nodding my head yes.


Tree P.O.V:

We walk around outside a bit. The cool autumn air pressing against our skin. It was pleasant, just walking with my love.

He asks questions about various buildings. The library, the hospital, a bar...uh-

I try my best to tell them all about the different places and establishments. It was adorable to see their face light up as I explained to them the intricacies of each building. Refreshing if you will...

"What's that one?" They ask, pointing to a brick building. I shrug, turning towards it.

"That's an orphanage." I tell them, cringing slightly at the thought. They continue to stare at it, "What does it do?"

"Um....well...." I begin, not wanting to crush their spirits. "I mean...it's where orphan children go." I say after a while. They look back at me, confused still.

"What is an orphan?"

"Uh-...it's...an orphan is...is a child who doesn't have any family...so, they go to. Well, an orphanage." I say, motioning towards the building in front of us.

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