Chapter 33 - no One's left at stake

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!!Mentions of Child abuse, Neglect, Eating Disorders, Kidnapping, Murder, MINOR SA and Speciesism!!

!!You have been warned!!

Black Hole P.O.V:

I run through the palace, hiding behind pillars and running through hallways.


Searching for her...

"Vortex!!" I call out, running to look in her usual hiding places. Not there...hmm...

"Vortex? Where are you?" I call out, turning around to check behind me. "You win! Please come out!"


I yelp, feeling her pounce behind me. We both tumble to the ground, laughing together. "I scared you!" She smiles, helping me up. I nod, " did." I say, smiling back to her as I dust myself off.

"Can I hide this round?" I ask, her. She chuckles and shakes her head, "It's more fun this way!" She states, twirling around a bit. I roll my eyes, "For you maybe..."

She grins, " can hide." she groans, giving me a playful punch to the shoulder. "Ow!"

She laughs again, beginning to count as she covers her eyes.




I dart away, trying to find a spot. Snaking around corridors and through small openings. I dash around, trying to think of a good spot to hide.

Faintly, I head her call out again. "Ready or not! Here I come!"

I panic, still not in a proper hiding spot. I duck behind a pillar, giving me time to think...

I just hid behind the bushes...I hid in the grand room a few rounds ago...I could hide in the library? No...she'd check there...maybe I could hide in the broom closet? No one ever checks in there-

"What are you doing?"

I dart my head up...mother stands there, arms crossed.

"I asked you a question. Answer me." She huffs, I creep from behind the pole. 

"U-uh...m-me and Vortex were...playing...hi-hide and seek..." I explain, she glares at me. "Do you think your allowed to play with her?" She asks sharply. I timidly shake my head, "n-no...but-"


I cry out in pain, falling to the floor. "You know you're not supposed to play with her! She has better things to do!" My mother yells, kicking me. I whimper, hiding my head in my arms. "You are almost 7 centuries old! Act your age!" She hisses, kicking me again.

"Mom! What are you doing?" I hear Vortex call out, running towards us. "Oh, he fell over when I was walking by, I was trying to help them." She explains softly, picking me up by the arm.


"O-oh...okay. You okay Black Hole?" She asks, turning towards me. I give a weak nod, "Y-yeah...I just tripped..."

She nods, "You're face is kind of purple..." She says, poking my cheek. I feel my face, a small cut from my mothers slap.

"I landed on my's fine..." I say, rubbing my arm a bit. My mother smiles..."Come on now Vortex, we have things to do."

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