Never Enough [Neville Longbottom]

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Neville Longbottom x Reader

[Theme: Student]

Requested by Kris

The explosions... They sounded just like fireworks. Their great colours erupted before my eyes, engulfing everything they touched in fiery crimson. The unbearable heat against my skin made me wince in agony. But I had to keep running. Each heavy step pounded against the uneven wooden bridge, reminding me of my goal to reach solid ground.

He ran right in front of me. At that moment, I finally understood why they say love is forever fleeting. We were too far away from what was meant to be. In both love... and survival.

A tear streamed down my cheek. With my final strength, I pushed him so that he could land where I could not. Pathetically, I reached my hand out, but there was nothing to hold on to.

And so, I began to fall. The bodies of the Snatchers came down with me, each screaming and begging to be saved. Like me, there was no salvation.

I closed my eyes, a chuckling sigh contrasting the echoing cries around me. Just... how did we end up here?

I knew we were never meant to be together.


First Year, Hogwarts Express

My hands shook with increasing excitement, to the point where I could barely keep a hold of my suitcase. Finally, it was my time to enter Hogwarts, just as my parents did years ago. They were very proud people who expected the best of me, and I wasn't going to let them down. Still, I wanted to have fun and enjoy myself, even if my social skills weren't exactly up to par.

The struggles of growing up as the sole child of half-bloods who, for some reason, believed in pure-blood supremacy made me stunted. They refused to let me associate with those they believed weren't in their class or higher. 'Social climbers', some might call them. Because of that, it was difficult to not be unintentionally spiteful or dismissive towards others.

Maybe... maybe this was the time to change that. To do better in myself. Make new friends with people I actually want to associate with instead of the boys my parents groomed me to desire. So long... as it's morally right.

Countless older students made their way towards the Hogwarts Express, knowing exactly what they had to do. Their heads were held high despite nattering with their friends about the latest summer gossip. I envied that skill—one day, that'll be me. I just need to wait for my turn. In the gaps between people, other children of similar size to me walked around aimlessly. Some were having difficulties separating from their parents. Mine had bid me farewell before going through the wall. They didn't want to be seen mingling with the 'lower class'.

One boy, in particular, darted through the crowd in an awkward frenzy. "Trevor? Has anyone seen Trevor!?" he cried into deaf ears. Nobody wanted to help the evidently clumsy first-year who somehow managed to lose his pet before boarding. That included me.

Ignoring him, I stepped aboard the train, instantly immersed in what was going on around me. Everywhere had something going on, whether it be conversations in the corridor, pets running around in the carriages, or a stray Dungbomb going off—it was the liveliest I had seen anywhere!

Being a first-year, there wasn't a chance I would be able to barge in with some of the older students. Just from the way I walked past and their faces scrunched up, I knew that I was at the bottom of the barrel—the undesirable first-year—unless I agreed to be someone's maid for a day.

Inevitably, I reached the end of the train with no free carriages in sight. My hand tightened around the handle of my suitcase as mild anxiety gripped me before I swallowed it down hard. What was I going to do...?

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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