Traitorous [Draco Malfoy]

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Draco Malfoy x Reader

[Theme: Student]

Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva

Keeping a secret is a natural thing for anyone. Your best friend tells you their crush and you pinky promise and cross your heart that you'll take it to the grave. Some secrets are as simple as forgetting them the next day. Others you will truly have to take to the day you die. 

Mine was in that tricky spot in the middle of those outcomes. The secret I had to hide was from my best friends; the very people with who I spent the last six years that I was able to trust with everything. And yet... this one secret was one I could never reveal. It would be the most significant form of betrayal. Immediate exclusion from the group, never to return no matter how much I begged. 

It all started in third year... when a certain Slytherin decided to do the fool's errand and got himself a direct ticket straight to the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey wasn't pleased in the slightest when Draco Malfoy came in clutching his arm pathetically. Hagrid almost threw the boy directly into the bed where he would reside for the next few weeks while his arm mended. 

If I had the option to, I would have avoided the Hospital Wing for the entire time that he was there. Unfortunately for me, since I was little, I've had issues with sleeping. No matter what I did, I would wake up every few hours. The effort to fall back asleep lost me countless hours of rest and left me weary and weak. A Sleeping Draught was the only solution that Pomfrey was more than happy to provide so long as I let her examine me when I filled up my log.

I wandered into the Hospital Wing just before curfew with the expectation and deep hope that Draco would be long passed out. Every light was extinguished, giving the room an eerie grey look. Pomfrey's door was right within my grasp when his measly voice snarked out. Like the lights, my hope of avoiding him was also extinguished.

"What are you doing here? Come to gloat?" Draco sneered as he lay rested up against the headboard.

"This may shock you, Malfoy, but," with a sharp turn, I made direct eye contact, "not everything is about you."

My hand went to knock but Draco threw venom again with the expectation to hit my heart. 

"Where'd you get that insult? Borrow it from Weasley's family like everything they own? Or did that Mudblood Granger find it in a book?"

My teeth physically bit down on my tongue to stop myself from snapping back. He wasn't worth the hassle. He'd never change and that was something the world needed to accept, including me. 

Harry was the ringleader of the Golden Trio and Draco's primary victim. Draco had a special serving of poison for Hermione and Ron. Despite us all being best friends, those three were closer to each other than me to a degree but I didn't mind. They still told me about all of their fiascos and I did my best to help. Because of my sleep issues, I was never physically able to join them.

I shook my head placidly and gently knocked on Pomfrey's door. She came out with her typical motherly smile and sat me down on the bed opposite Draco. He had a full view of everything Pomfrey was doing to me and could hear each word she spoke. She wouldn't understand if I asked to be moved.

"And how have you been managing the potion? Any side effects?" she asked while she felt my forehead to take my temperature. 

"No, not really." I replied, "But I still wake up sometimes. It was usually about five or six times and now it's roughly two or three. I'm still..."

My eyes shifted to Draco. He was watching and listening, unsurprisingly. The issue was that when I searched his eyes for cruelty, I only found tenderness. His normally sharp and pointed glare had transformed into a rounded daze of intrigue.

~Sequentia~ Harry Potter One-Shots [Long]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora