Nargle Seeker [Luna Lovegood]

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Luna Lovegood x Reader

[Theme: Student]

When most people get sick, they usually need a day or two to recover and then they're good to go. Some may only need a painkiller and they're ready to get back at it. I thought when I got sick that it would be over soon but this feeling has lasted for over a week now. Stuck in the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey would conduct all kinds of treatments and examinations to try to heal me but nothing would work. Professor Snape was out of ideas for potential potion cures too. 

I lay down in bed hopelessly as my brain continued to feel unfocused. I couldn't remember the last time I had a coherent thought that I could follow through on. Every part of my head was completely fuzzy to the point my vision felt blurred. Madam Pomfrey had to make the decision that if I wasn't better by this afternoon, she would have to transfer me to St. Mungo's. 

So, I waited. I tried to sleep but the feeling of something flying in my ear was preventing me from passing out. Small footsteps patted toward me. Oddly enough, they sounded like they were barefoot. Who would be wandering around without shoes? Sitting up, I saw a whimsical-looking girl with bright blonde hair. She had awfully pale skin to the point I wondered if she was going to be joining me. 

"Oh dear, Miss Lovegood." Madam Pomfrey said like she had been used to the girl's appearances. "Let me take a look at you, dear. Sit down." 

Through the blur, I could see the girl sit down on the bed next to mine. I could just about make out silvery eyes. Could this be Luna Lovegood then? She eyed me curiously for a moment and then gave her attention back to Madam Pomfrey. 

"Why on Earth are you walking around barefoot, dear?" Pomfrey asked concerned. 

"My shoes were taken again." she said unbothered. "It's okay, I don't mind. They'll turn up sooner or later."

Pomfrey tutted. "You should inform your Head of House. Students stealing belongings is never acceptable."

"Oh no, miss. They weren't taken by students. They were taken by Nargles." she replied whimsically.

I'd never heard of a 'Nargle' before. Though, if this was Luna Lovegood, no doubt it was one of the imaginary creatures she spoke of. Pomfrey appeared to want to question further but understood it was pointless and that Luna's welfare came first. Within a minute, she was fully healed.

Pomfrey turned back to examine me and took my temperature. She let out a deep sigh.

"It's looking like it will have to be St. Mungo's." she said disappointedly.

Luna put on a strange pair of glasses that made her look like a gigantic owl. "I don't think that's necessary, Madam Pomfrey." she remarked and Pomfrey's expression thinned in questioning. "She has a Wrackspurt infestation. Easy to cure if you know how to. I would recommend The Quibbler for that. Just think happy thoughts and they'll come right out."

I looked to Pomfrey for what to do but she merely shrugged her shoulders in defeat. "It's worth a try, I suppose. Can't think of anything else that may work."

After the war, I had to admit that happy thoughts were few and far between. I lost a lot, we all did, and I was more alone than ever. She...

I remembered the time we spent together. My head felt lighter and my vision focused. The fuzziness stopped. Luna clapped happily. Pomfrey looked like everything she knew was a lie. 

"How do you feel?" Pomfrey asked in disbelief. 

"I feel better." I turned to Luna, "How did you know?"

She had the cheekiest yet magical grin on her face as she took the glasses off. "These Spectrespecs come with a copy of The Quibbler. They help you see Wrackspurts. Your head was absolutely filled with them!" 

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