Conquering the Conquered [Oliver Wood]

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Oliver Wood x Reader

[Theme: Student]

Wind flurried through the strands of my hair at great speeds. I loved flying more than anything else in the world. Without flying, what life would there be left to live? A boring one, if any. What could I do if I wasn't able to play Chaser and dominate every match?

"Y/N!" Oliver called out to me from the other side of the Quidditch pitch. "It's time for practice and I won't let you shirk!" 

I came to a steady stop before Oliver, annoyed he was telling me to quit so early. "There's still one minute left. I bet you I can make it around the whole pitch before then." I smirked confidently.

The tips of Oliver's lips turned up. "Good luck. Even Harry can barely manage that feat. Plus, you've only got forty seconds now." he replied, leaning against the tip of his broom that was end-up to the ground. He analysed my face and saw I wasn't going to give up. "Fine. Thirty seconds! Go!"

Without a second of hesitation, I picked up at high speeds. For matches, we were advised to keep to certain speed caps to prevent injuries but I was confident enough in my abilities to bypass that safeguard. The air felt like a turbine with how intensely it was pressing against my skin but I refused to slow down.

The end in sight, I counted down the remaining seconds. Five... four... three... I picked up more speed. I was so close-

A blindingly bright light obscured my vision. I couldn't see a thing! My arms instinctively removed themselves from my broom to try to stop whatever was entering my eyes. By the time I realised my mistake, it was too late. 

I started to plummet from the tallest peak of the pitch to the Earth. I think Oliver cried out my name but all I could truly hear was the swishing enveloping of currents. My arms reached out pathetically, hoping to magically grab onto something to save myself. 

Then, I made contact with the ground. A sickening snap crunched out from my body. Everything faded to black...


I woke up in a place filled only with white. For a brief moment, I thought I might have died until my vision cleared to show several beds and medical equipment surrounding me and the other inhabitants of the room.

I reckoned I must have been in St Mungo's since I didn't recognise this as the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts, which I frequently visited thanks to Quidditch being the dangerous sport it was.

"Y/N!" someone called out and tightly pulled me into a hug. The movement jutted my spine painfully. I realised it was Katie who had run in and quickly apologised for hurting me. "We were so worried. Guys, come in!"

Several more figures came in. It was the Gryffindor Quidditch team... minus Oliver.

Angelina came and pulled Katie back. "How are you doing?" she asked very concernedly. Her face was filled with uncertainty. 

"I'm... okay. I think." I replied. I tried to move my leg and was greeted with a sharp pain throughout my calf and ankle.

Fred and George bounced forward and placed a humungous basket of their signature sweets and prank toys on the bedside table next to me. 

"Nurse said you fractured most of the bones in your leg!" George cried out in astonishment. 

Following up and turning into business mode, Fred had the guts to ask me "How did it feel falling from heaven?"

"Angelina," I turned to the tall girl who already had an idea of what I wanted, "smack him for me please."

In style, Angelina grabbed a small pile of papers and beat Fred around the back of his head with it. He recoiled forward and rubbed it with a pout on his face.

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