No to the Yesman [Cormac McLaggen]

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Cormac McLaggen x Reader

[Theme: Student]

The start of the year had to be one of my least favourite events all year round. All the rush of boarding the Hogwarts Express, waking up early to make sure everything was packed, the constant drabble of the younger years with their lost little faces... Beyond tiresome. There was one little tidbit you could get away with if you knew what you were doing. A simple duplication spell on your suitcase could secure an entire compartment to yourself. 

A small first-year girl poked their even smaller head inside and saw only myself in there. "Um, excuse me..." they muttered with mild fear.

With my right leg hanging over my left and my arms folded, I met them with a stern gaze. "We're full." I pointed to the suitcases. The petite girl apologised and quickly left, thankfully. I was not in the mood with the amount of sleep still stuck in the edges of my eyes. 

After a quick rub of my eyes, I drowned into sleep as the Hogwarts Express left London. Yes... perhaps for the first year ever, I could get some rest before the feast... what I wanted to think until the compartment door swung open and the person I wanted to see least leaned against the frame. His damn ashy blond hair and cocky smile only fuelled my anger.

"No." I immediately said and closed my eyes again.

"You ought to learn to be more courteous." the boy I despised snapped. 

"You ought to learn to be more-" I mocked his stupid voice, "I said get out." 

The sound of the door sliding closed reached out and I naively thought he actually left. I could still hear his breathing. Maybe if I give his shin a good ol' kick-

"Merlin's beard, Cormac, leave me the hell alone." I whined and reluctantly gave him my eye line. "I'm not going out with you."

"For once, I'm not here about that." he dismissed and took the seat opposite mine, much to my displeasure. "New Potions professor now that Snape's been changed over. He has this new club, Slug Club or whatever, that he only invites the best to. He invited me, obviously. Wants you too."

Slug Club? Something about that name rang a bell in the back of my mind. I think I must have heard about it somewhere... 

I tried to continue thinking but my brain wasn't having it. 

"Hey," I leaned back on the leather chair of the compartment, "remember when I told you to leave? Do that." I responded and put my legs up. 

Cormac stood up with such force that it genuinely made me jump a little. "You're going." He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet.

"Get off!" I screamed, but he dragged me through the hallway of the train to near the front. No matter how many times I whacked his arm, yelled for help or swore at him, he wouldn't let go. 


He only loosened his grip when he opened the half-full compartment door and pushed me inside. I was greeted by a bunch of other younger students. The final person was clearly the group's founder: Professor Slughorn. 

"Ah, thank you, McLaggen." the balding man stood up and held his hand out for me to grasp. "You must be Y/N L/N, yes?" My hands remained by my sides. Slughorn brushed it off seamlessly. "Take a seat, take a seat."

There was barely any space left in the compartment with everyone else occupying most of the area. I squashed next to a ginger-haired girl who I suspected might have been Ginny Weasley from all I hear about that family. Ever the gentleman and desperate for my attention, Cormac decided to shove himself down right next to me in the tiniest gap possible instead of the comparably more suitable space on the other side. 

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