A Study of Potions [Michael Corner]

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Michael Corner x Reader

[Theme: Student]

The curiosity of Potions had become all the more amped up. After five years of Professor Snape's intolerance of the slightest mistake, it was a well-needed respite when the announcement came. Like every year, something happened to the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor and the position needed to be filled. Everyone knew that Snape had been eyeing the job for years and now Dumbledore decided to grant his dream.

That meant there was going to be a new teacher for Potions. Anyone would say that the new replacement was a vast improvement. Professor Slughorn brought the charm that Snape didn't have. He was likeable, although a little snooty at times. He had his favourites but still gave ample time to everyone. 

In the Dungeons gathered the sixth year Potions class. As it wasn't a compulsory subject anymore, the multiple classes were combined for those who did well enough in their OWL-level Potions to qualify for NEWT-level. Today was one of the days Slughorn wanted to surprise us. Coming jollily into the centre of the room, he asked for our attention which he earnt with wrapt earnest.

"Good morning, everyone." he said as he readjusted his jacket. With a practised flick of his wand, a piece of chalk began to float and scribble down a set of notes on the chalkboard behind him. "As you know, theory can only take you so far. I want to see what you can truly do after these five and a half years of teaching."

Hermione Granger nodded in agreement while Harry Potter continued to look perplexed, as usual. Admittedly, I felt a little excited. Snape was a pain in the arse to anyone that wasn't a Slytherin (which was great as a Ravenclaw), but he was still a good teacher when he wasn't giving you death glares for adding a single gram too much of an ingredient to your cauldron. 

"We'll be holding a little contest," Slughorn continued, "where I'll pair you up to prepare three advanced potions. Whoever makes the best potions..." he paused for dramatic effect, "wins."

Pansy Parkinson raised her hand and before Slughorn could get around to prompt her to speak, her loud mouth blabbered, "What's the prize?"

Instead of looking furious that he had been interrupted, Slughorn gave an approving smile. "Your eagerness is appreciated, Miss Parkinson. Five points to Slytherin. The prize will be revealed in due time."

Pansy grumbled impatiently.

"You all will be making three potions for me. The first will be Polyjuice Potion. I know none of you will have made this before,"

Hermione shuffled uncomfortably.

"but I believe you will all excel. The other two will be Veritaserum and Amortentia. Right, time to pair you up."

Slughorn's hands clapped together. People gravitated toward those who they wanted to be with. I didn't have much of a preference so long as I wasn't with Pansy or Draco Malfoy. There were five Ravenclaws in this class of a dozen or so, including myself, Terry Boot, and Michael Corner. I wasn't close with either of them. In fact, I had barely spoken to them since our first year. 

"Malfoy, Miss Parkinson, you will be our first pair. Miss Granger and Potter, you will be our next." Slughorn started, clearly showing his favouritism as when he did those first two pairs, it took much longer for him to decide. Another pair later and Slughorn's attention drew to me. "Miss L/N, you will pair with..." he looked to Terry and Michael beside me; the corner of his lips upturned like a cat, "Corner. Boot, you can pair with Weasley."

Terry stood up, patted Michael on the shoulder before he went to sit with Weasley and whispered "Lucky" under his breath. Michael's eyes met mine and he gave a smug smile. 

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