Joker and Heart [Fred Weasley]

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Fred Weasley x Reader 

[Theme: Student]

Fred and George sat down giddily at the dining table of the Burrow. Percy was reading his book on the sofa in the living room, his nose practically pressed to the pages to avoid the stupidity that he knew was about to erupt. Striding to the table, I placed a pack of cards on the table which Fred eyed eagerly.

"Go on then," he prompted with excitement, "what is it?"

I pulled the cards out of the deck and placed them on the table. At first, they appeared unamused at how none of the pictures were moving. George picked up one of the cards and sniffed it.

"Smells like a normal card."

Fred took a different one and flicked it near his ear. "And sounds like a normal card."

"What's the get-up then?" they said in unison.

Percy sighed and rubbed his forehead. He was having none of this.

Swiftly, I dealt two cards each to the three of us. The twins picked up their cards and chuckled. 

"This is Muggle poker." I explained as I checked my deck. An Ace and a King, both hearts... good start. "Unlike Wizard cards, the cards don't yell who they are or demand a ransom to be used. Poker's pretty simple. Best set of cards wins. Use your common sense and you'll do fine."

From behind us, Percy muttered something to himself.

Fred stood up and yelled; "What was that, Perce?"

He went back to his book without another word. Why he was staying downstairs when he could be in his room was beyond me.

"We don't have poker chips so I've arranged something else to play for." From inside my bag, I pulled out a massive box of jellybeans. "We'll use these." They eyed the box with galore and watering mouths. It really felt like they were infants at a sweet shop.

Opening the box filled the kitchen with the strong aroma of sugar. Someone's stomach must have rumbled for a faint grumble echoed out. The beans scattered across the table and I distributed ten to everyone. Fred went to put a bean in his mouth but a quick glare stopped him in his tracks.

I did tend to be more observant of Fred than George and his other family members. It could be because Fred was the more extroverted of the two. Maybe it was that Fred was the leader of us. Could potentially be his laughable initiative. Perhaps it was the crush I'd had on him since last year. It was most likely a combination of them all. 

George gave me a side-eye for he knew I had been staring. He knew. I'm almost certain of it. Of course the uninvolved twin would figure it out and not the one I'm actually interested in... 

"Y/N~" George sang merrily and snapped me out of it. 

"Right. Any first bets?" I asked. George put forward one bean, whereas Fred put forward five of his ten beans. Must be confident. I put forward a simple two beans. Although I had a good start, it could go wrong depending on the other cards.

I pulled three more cards from the deck and laid them out in front of us. They were the Queen of Hearts, 3 of Clubs, and 10 of Hearts. Was it just me or did Fred bite his lip ever so slightly...? Not so cocky now, huh. 

George pulled back his beans. "I'll be safe. Fold."

Fred peeked at George's cards, pursed his lips and went back to his own set. He gently pushed forward two more beans. "Raise."

"You know what? I'll call." I pushed forward five more beans to match his seven. 

"Bold move, Y/N. You sure you got a winning hand?" Fred taunted and I subconsciously itched my bare arm.

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