Loyalty of Yellow [Justin Finch-Fletchley]

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Justin Finch-Fletchley x Reader

[Theme: Student]

Okay, so I know Weeping Angels didn't exist until Blink in 2007, but I love this idea so much that I'm going to roll with it anyway despite it being 1993. 

Fear is a fascinating concept. It's a feeling, an experience, and sometimes even a desire. Everyone experiences fear differently. Some people try to avoid fear with everything they can do. Some people are thrill seekers who long for the addictive panging in their chests. The worst people crave the despair in others' eyes when they cower. 

No matter how people take fear, there is one thing everyone has in common: the urge to control it. 

I wasn't timid, but there were obviously things that frightened me; especially being in a new world where everything was new and different. Being thrust away at the age of eleven from my Muggle parents to a place of magic doesn't do great things for confidence. My one coping mechanism away at Hogwarts was to read Muggle books. They simply don't exist in the Hogwarts library so, every holiday, I'd come to school with a new set of books for the term. 

Late at night after everyone else had fallen asleep, I sat up in my bed with the moon's pale glow shining on the pages, making the words barely visible. The book spoke about an ancient man with special powers and his female companion travelling through time in a police box. Their current adventure was to save a pair of people who were investigating an empty house. Inside were several strange angel-like statues...


My eyes fluttered open. Laid on the hard rock and leaves below, my body sat unceremoniously amongst the dirt. Muck and grain embedded under my once white fingernails. I was inside what looked to be the basement of a house. My vision was still adjusting to waking up but I knew there was hardly any light. The only source poured down from the top of a set of dilapidated wooden stairs.

Unsure of where I was, I rose to my feet and sceptically climbed the stairs. Each one creaked painfully under each step. They seemed to lead to the main section of the house, specifically the lounge. The curtains were closed and opening them revealed the windows were boarded up, blocking any chance of escape. The musky smell of damp wallpaper filled my nostrils. The front door was locked which left the only last way out to be through the garden.

The back door was left wide open with sunlight shining off the broken tiles of the kitchen. Fresh air filled my lungs as tall bits of ivy decorated the canopy of the entranceway. When I looked up, the sky was completely grey. When my eyes returned in front of me, I saw it.

A grey statue that resembled that of an angel. Her hands were covering her eyes as if she were weeping. 

Don't blink.

The dry stinging of my eyes became too much. Without thought, my eyes closed. Upon reopening, the statue's face was no longer covered by their hands. Instead, her empty fading eyes stared back at me. Against my will, I continued to blink and she moved closer each time. Just before the final blink as she was about to embed her gargoyle claws into me, I thought I heard someone call my name...


"Y/N? Y/N!" a familiar voice called out. 

It felt like my soul had been pulled from within me and thrown haphazardly back into my body. Grogginess overcame me and seeing the panicked blonde girl my shaking my arm did little favours for my pounding head.

"Wha... Hannah? What- what are you...?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep from the corners of my eyes. I noticed the book I was reading last night was nowhere to be seen.

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