Descent of Aquafinnia [Roger Davies]

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Roger Davies x Reader

[Theme: Adult]

Content Warning: This one-shot features lime content. This includes mild sexual activity.

Aquafinnia was my pride and joy. It was what I spent my life working for and it brought me everything I had. Standing on that stage... all their eyes on me... with the lights highlighting every aspect of me... it was like a dream. Sometimes I was afraid that I'd wake up and it would all be gone. 

Although I had so much, I felt like I had nothing. I didn't take it for granted, not at all, but there was that feeling something was missing. I couldn't bring myself to find the ease of performing that I used to have. It wasn't a lack of praise, a lack of confidence, or no longer wanting to do it. I wanted to do Aquafinnia until I died. 

It felt like there was a dark cloud obscuring the sun. There was a pressing question that I couldn't answer because I didn't know what the question was to begin with. Still, I got up on that stage and performed my heart out. Today was another set of performances. My best friend and manager, Heather was talking me through the routine while my stylist dressed me.

"Alright Y/N, here's the rundown." she said as she tapped the wooden clipboard she was holding with her quill. "You'll go out, thank the crowd, look stunning, do your thing and rake in the fame, got it?"

My stylist fitted me into my long gown and I stepped out. It was a beautiful ocean and sky blue dip and flowed magnificently behind me with small pearls to accent. Heather smiled approvingly, though she wasn't mystified as she had seen it many times by now. "Gorgeous as always."

"Thanks, Heather." I replied but there was a weight on my heart. Another day of performing and I wanted to do other things. The problem never was Aquafinnia. It was me. 

The stylist left after our mutual thanks and Heather placed a hand on my bare shoulder. "You alright? You don't seem like yourself."

How could I tell her what was wrong if even I didn't know? This mood wasn't affecting my performances... yet. No matter my feelings, I wouldn't let Aquafinnia suffer because of it.

"Just a bit tired, Heather. I'll be alright." I reassured her. Her eyes thinned as she didn't entirely believe me but she couldn't pinpoint what else to do.

"If you say so." she tutted friendly. "You know I'm always here for you anyway. By the way..." She put her clipboard down and pulled out another set of sheets. "someone you might recognise is in tonight."

Carefully, I took the papers from her and scanned them. She was right. There was one name I recognised... Roger Davies. He was sitting at one of the tables near the stage too.

"Davies, you mean? I haven't seen him since our Hogwarts days... It must have been, what, coming ten years now, right?" I asked. 

Heather counted on her fingers and furrowed her eyebrows at the passage of time. "Think so. Ten years since your fling too." 

A deep crimson encroached on my cheeks. "Heather!" I batted her arm playfully. "You promised you'd forget about it if I told you!"

She let out a loud chuckle. Oh, why must you embarrass me so? "How can I possibly forget the fact that you and he snuck off to the Prefect bathroom? You literally-"

I pressed my palm to her mouth to get her to be quiet. "Don't! Merlin, why did I tell you!?" 

"Because you love me?" she stuck her tongue out playfully but it only made me cross my arms.

"When you're not a nuisance." I joked and went to approach the stage. 


I could hear the murmurs of the crowd from beyond the curtain. Stealthily, I poked my head out from the corner to have a look. A full house, as expected, but it wasn't enough to make me happy. I used to feel so fulfilled and excited seeing everyone... what happened to me? It wasn't that I took them for granted, far from it. 

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