Who Am I? And You? [Gilderoy Lockhart]

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Gilderoy Lockhart x Reader

[Theme: Adult]

My heart beat rapidly in my chest. I couldn't believe it. If the news was true then... then... I stormed through the doors of St Mungo's with tears pouring down my cheeks and my breath unsteady. I could see a stream of patients waiting to be seen but he wasn't among them. He must already have been admitted... I tried my best to compose myself and approached the Welcome Witch at the desk.

Her eyes thinned as she observed my demeanour. She didn't want to be dealing with yet another outburst. "Yes?" she said rather monotonously.

"Is-Is it true that Gil-Gilderoy Lockhart has been admitted?" I said shakily.

The witch flicked through some papers carelessly until she noted a name. "Fourth floor, Janus Thickey Ward."

She didn't even ask me for my identity... I thought this was supposed to be difficult.

"T-Thank you." I said and made my way up the stairs. He was here after all... Just what could have happened to have made him be in the long-term residents' ward? Those sorts of injuries had to be permanent... I brushed away my tears on my sleeve and pressed onward.

It was little secret to the press that Gilderoy had started working at Hogwarts as their Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. It made sense. He was an incredible author who wrote about his even more fantastic adventures. There couldn't be a more perfect person for the position. It made me wish I was still a student so I could've been in his class...

Surprisingly, the door to the ward was unlocked. I had heard that it was usually kept locked to make sure the residents didn't accidentally wander around but it may be due to Gilderoy's physical addition. When I walked in, my heart sunk to the bottom of my chest. There he sat in an armchair with a Healer fussing intensely over her. There were a few other patients lying in the hospital beds not bothering anyone.

"Come now, Gilderoy." the Healer said as she inspected him. "Let me have a look at you." Her voice was awfully motherly and her short brown framed her face like that as well.

"Uhm, excuse me?" I said with a gentle knock on the wood. He was right there... and yet his eyes looked so glazed. My heart beat a thousand miles a second. I had wanted to meet him again for so long.

"Oh!" she said with a mild startle. She left Gilderoy alone and approached me at the door. "Sorry, I wasn't aware we were taking visitors. Who are you here to see?"

Deep breaths. You can do this.

"Gilderoy Lockhart, ma'am." I said politely but my nerves were showing through.

"I'm afraid he's not taking visitors right now since he just came in. Well, unless you so happened to be related to him." she added.

"It's okay, I'm-" My voice caught in my throat. So many different responses went through my head, all more ridiculous than the last. Then, an idea popped into my head and before I could understand the consequences, I blurted out: "I'm his wife."

Her eyes widened in acknowledgement. "Forgive me, Ms. Lockhart. I didn't know he had a wife!"

Oh no. What have I done? This isn't what I meant to happen at all... He'll call me out the second he hears of me. He'll hate me forever. I'm a charlatan. A shyster. A fraud.

"Yes... It only happened recently. We kept it away from the papers since... well... I'm not used to the spotlight as Gilderoy is." I explained shyly.

"You poor dear." She placed a hand on my shoulder and beckoned me in. "I'm sure he'll be delighted to see you. I must warn you, though, that he doesn't remember much. A Memory Charm went wrong, apparently. We aren't sure how it happened."

~Sequentia~ Harry Potter One-Shots [Long]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin