The Brink of Destriction [Cedric Diggory]

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Cedric Diggory x Reader

[Theme: Student]

"Cedric!" I yelled to the boy behind me as we ran through the Hogwarts corridors. "If we don't hurry, we're going to be late and I am not receiving another detention with McGonagall!" 

It was all his fault! He had to be so charming and handsome that he distracted me over lunch and I completely forgot that we had Transfiguration. After my atrocious essay last time, McGonagall was ripe with having points to say if I continued. It was because she cared about her students, that much was obvious, but she put the shame in the right places. 

My lungs wanted to give way and each breath caused great pain in my stomach. I hadn't run this fast and this intensely since I was a child and Mum would call me down for dinner. I'd have to get there fast before Dad ate most of the garlic bread. But this was no race for garlic bread; this was a race for my life.

We were only a single corner away when the bell toned, signalling we were officially late for class. My running slowed to a defeated stop. McGonagall was going to kill me. Cedric met my side and he didn't look out of breath at all.

"Great." I said as I took in heavy gulps of oxygen. "She's definitely going to say something, I just know it. Merlin, if you can grant me a way to get out of this, please do so." I begged, knowing that it was pointless.

Cedric, on the other hand, was cool and collected as usual. "Sorry, I knew I should've said something." he said and wrapped an arm around my torso, pulling me close. "You know I can't get enough of you."

I sighed and we pressed forward a few steps. There were numerous positives to dating Cedric Diggory. First, you were dating Cedric Diggory. The negative... you were dating Cedric Diggory. His chaotic fanbase from being captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team was one thing, and many girls let me know they felt, but his way of making you forget the world and live in the moment was another. 

"That's no excuse..." I pouted and leaned my head against his arm. He did at least make a comfortable pillow. 

"I'll make a deal with you." he said, stopping in his tracks and turning himself directly to face me. "Show me a smile and I'll tell McGonagall it was my fault."

"It is your fault." I reminded him, forcing myself to keep a neutral face. I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction of feeling like he did me a favour. 

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you." he said pretending he was deaf.

My eyes thinned into a glare. "I said it's your-"

Cedric stopped my words by pressing his lips to mine. 

"There you go, there's that smile." Cedric remarked with his signature cocky grin. 

I bat his arm and walked ahead. "You're the worst!" I yelled but I couldn't hold in my laughter. 

We finally arrived at the classroom and I thought I would see a very disgruntled McGonagall. Instead, she was speaking to Sprout with a hand covering her mouth. Whatever they were speaking about, it must have been important. Hopefully important enough to get us off the hook for being late.

Their eyes met us as we approached and instead of switching to displeasure, McGonagall stood solemnly while Sprout appeared to have tears in her eyes. 

"It's alright, Pomona." she said, patting the shorter woman's back and stepping forward to meet us halfway. "Normally, I would have little patience for students who are late... but considering the circumstances, I'm afraid I must be more lenient. Mister Diggory, please take your seat while I speak to Miss L/N separately." she requested. Sprout gave a small weep and I suddenly understood this wasn't some mild incident. 

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