The Future Member of Black [Regulus Black]

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Regulus Black x Reader

[Theme: Young Adult]

At the age of 17 is when most people begin their seventh year at Hogwarts and, as of this year, the Ministry of Magic decided to implement a new policy. With the recent decline of the wizarding population, the Ministry has put in place an aid thanks to the success of the Department of Mysteries.

Love- they theorise they have successfully paired every single student at Hogwarts with their ideal partner. All tests showed a relatively little margin of error. Of course, with all such things that could erase free will, finding out the results was restricted to when we finished Hogwarts. We were able to state whether we would want to know when we started our seventh year and have one final chance to back out before we open the envelope.

Once opened, a magically-binding contract would be made. Partners would then have to live with each other with the expectation that they would wed in the future. The only way out of it would be to show that the Ministry had made some kind of severe negligence in the decision... which was impossible to do as the Department of Mysteries was, obviously, a mystery.

During the last feast after graduation, a flurry of owls flew above us carrying a singular white envelope in their beaks. In an attempt of not wanting to hassle with finding a partner as the world changes, I found it in my best interests to sign up. My parents respected my decision, although my Muggle father was sceptical from the beginning.

As the letter fluttered from the sky and down to my lap, my heart was beating in my chest like a drum. The moment I open the seal, my fate was set in stone. I could change my mind... but did I want that? What if I was put with someone I would hate? What if their family hates me?

My best friend, Yelia, leaned over and smiled sympathetically. "I still can't believe you actually signed up for it." she commented, not holding a letter. "I'd maybe have done it if Mum wouldn't throttle me for it."

"Do you think I should...?" I asked hesitantly as I rubbed the paper within with my thumb, crinkling it slightly. "I'm terrified of what it might say."

She leaned her arm on the table and cupped her chin with her hand, gazing at me longingly. Her bright yellow jumper matched the blonde hair that showed off her loyalty to our house. "Come on, how bad can it be? You know most of the worst ones," she held her hand to the side of her mouth to block people lip-reading her, "the pure-bloods, were already engaged from birth. You'll probably get some Gryffindor hunk anyway."

I sighed but didn't let it get to me. "I guess... well, you're right. It's not like I'll get some heretical pure-blooded family that'll call me a scum because my dad's a Muggle, right?"

"Exactly!" Yelia wagged her finger at me encouragingly. Was it just me or was there the faintest hint of doubt in her eyes? "Open it, already! You know I live spiritually through you and this'll be a drama for the ages."

Sliding my thumb underneath the seal, the thin wax attachment gave way and let the flap of the envelope come up. A magical sense flew around me and my skin crawled. The contract had been sealed. Even if I never looked, I would have this duty. There was no going back.

I pulled out the letter and flipped it open. The fancy text read:

Dear Y/N L/N,

The Minister of Magic thanks you for participating in the Love Binding experiment. After diligent review, we have decided that you are destined for the person whose name is below. This cannot be changed unless you can prove that there has been a procedural error. By opening this letter, you are deemed to have accepted the result and you are expected to follow suit.

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