Wolf's Bane [Remus Lupin]

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Remus Lupin x Werewolf!Reader

[Theme: Students]

I had a plan. I was going to graduate from Hogwarts with all Outstandings in my NEWTs. Then, I would apply for a position in the Ministry and work in the Department of Magical Creature Regulation. Despite being a Muggle-born, I had fallen in love with all kinds of magical creatures. Of course, Care of Magical Creatures was my favourite class. I certainly had the skills to enter any division I wanted. Yes... I had a plan. 

But when someone makes a plan, what is the likelihood that they account for lycanthropy? Why did I of all people have to plan getting attacked by Fenrir Greyback? I knew the stories of Greyback attacking small children but I'm sixteen, for goodness sake! What had I done to invoke his wrath? 

I asked myself that countless times as I lay weakly in my hospital bed. It was supposed to be a happy time celebrating Christmas with my family but it all wound up to this. I was discharged after a few weeks with one weekend to stay with my family before returning to Hogwarts. The biggest concern was if I had contracted lycanthropy from Greyback. There hadn't been enough time for the next full moon.

Two Days Until Full Moon

I desperately wanted to believe otherwise but it was foolish to assume otherwise. The closer the moon reached its peak, the worse I began to feel. On the first day of term, I wandered into the Great Hall and was immediately met with shocked gasps the second I sat down at my house's table.

"Y/N... What happened to you?" my best friend Maria asked what everyone else was thinking.

Greyback had been generous enough to bite me in an easily concealable location. However, he hadn't been so kind to leave me without a permanent sign of the event. Three claw lines marked down my left eye. The doctors were stunned that I hadn't lost my vision from the injury.

"Oh..." I mumbled as I recalled what my mother had rehearsed with me. "I had a bit of an accident over the holidays. It's no biggie though."

Maria leaned over and pushed my hair out of my face to get a better look. "It looks serious, though. How did you get it?"

I shoved my hair back into my face to obscure the scarring a bit. "I got a bit close to a creature. You know what I'm like." I said dismissively.

"But it must have been something big to-"

"I'm fine, Maria!" I snapped harsher than I intended. She looked at me hurt and sat back down. "Maria-"

All of the onlookers gave me glares for daring to hurt my friend. I've never snapped like that before. What was happening to me? Was this because of the lycanthropy?  

I shouldn't be here. It was obvious now that something was wrong and I knew I was going to accidentally hurt someone if I stayed here. I ran to the only person who would be able to help me: Dumbledore.

When I arrived at the gargoyle to his office, I began to realise the flaw of this plan. How was I supposed to get in without any help? I waited for a few minutes before realising it was ultimately helpless. I was going to have to run away. Maybe if I threw myself to the whims of the Forbidden Forest, that would-

"Y/N L/N?" a kind voice spoke from nearby. A boy I well recognised approached and stood by my side. He bore sad and tired green eyes and short but wavy brown hair. 

"What is it, Lupin?" I responded, barely able to keep my sharp tongue at bay. 

"I saw what happened at breakfast with Hayers. I'm sure she'll forgive you in due time." he said as we both stood near the open air. 

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