Kindling Ablaze [Seamus Finnigan]

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Seamus Finnigan x Reader 

[Theme: Student]

Author's Note: After a lot of speaking to fanfic readers/writers across multiple communities, I've come to learn that third-person omniscient POV is the generally preferred style. For this one-shot, I will experiment with this style and see how it goes. Please let me know what you think!

Charms was well-known around Hogwarts to be a favourite class amongst students of all years. Not only was it practical wherever you went, but it was also taught by Professor Flitwick. His classes were by far the most enjoyable thanks to his gentle guidance and entertaining lessons. Today, he had a special topic planned for his fifth year class.

Flitwick climbed upon his podium of books and everyone listened with rapt attention.

Sitting in one of the several rows of desks was Y/N. Her gaze was firmly fixed on Flitwick but part of her was more focused on those around her. To her left was a pair of boys, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan, who were poking each other with their wands. With a brush of the hair out of her face, Y/N continued to try to focus despite their annoying laughter.

"Good morning, everyone." Flitwick said chipperly and clasped his hands together eagerly. "As summer is coming and I'm aware that you wish to enjoy the sunshine, I will be setting you something rather laidback for the week."

Murmurs erupted from the crowd and Dean and Seamus decided now was the time to pay attention to the front of the class. Truthfully, Y/N was glad that they had stopped rattling on so that she no longer had to tap her fingers across the desk's wooden surface to distract herself from the annoyance.

By no means did she hate the two. They had been mutual acquaintances since they joined Hogwarts together. The issue spurned from her somewhat perfectionist nature. It was a simple policy to her: if you do your best then you will never truly fail.

Seamus had a habit of defying this on most occasions. He tried, absolutely, and yet his ability to set countless objects on fire or cast explosions in his near vicinity was nothing less than absurd. While most people found this funny, Y/N was not a party to that.

When a loud bang would erupt, she would look away from the sound's origin and continue with her work, knowing too well that if she gave too much of her attention, she would be just as bad.

She'll never forget the time in second year when her hastiness got the better of her. With the smallest tilt of her head in his direction, she saw Seamus holding his wand with a large puff of smoke bursting from its tip and his face covered in soot. The faintest giggle escaped her lips, much to Seamus's delight. Red in the face, she prayed that he hadn't heard her.

Unbeknownst to her, Seamus had caught this moment clear as day. Normally, when people laughed at him, he laughed along with them. For some odd reason, Y/N's laughter brought a tightness to his chest and embarrassment. Desperate to get a response, Seamus did what he could to get her to laugh and break out of her shell. He was unsuccessful so far but his easy-going nature made it easy for him to bounce back.

"I will be conducting practical mock exams on Friday, meaning you have four days to practice. I want three spells to be shown off, any of your choosing that we have learnt over the years. However, if you would like some additional points, I will allow you to perform an advanced spell from the textbook that we have not covered yet." Flitwick continued to explain with rapport.

Several spells had begun to go through Y/N's mind. There were a plethora of ones to choose from. One of her favourites had to be the Summoning Charm. The ability to bring whatever you wanted straight to your hand was one of the things that made Charms so fascinating to her. If you were wet, a Drying Charm. If you were thirsty, a Water-Making spell. Break your favourite cup? Mending Charm. The potential was limitless.

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