Perfect Prefect Precision! [Percy Weasley]

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Percy Weasley x Reader

[Theme: Student]

Today was the day I had waited five years for; the announcement of whether I had been chosen as the Gryffindor prefect. McGonagall had spoken to me before the term ended about my prospects and from what she suggested, it seemed like there were good odds! There were a few other girls who put their names forward but I had good grades and at least a decent reputation. 

Waiting through summer was agony until a week before the term was due to begin an owl came and dropped a letter through my window. It bore the Hogwarts seal and I felt a ball in my throat. This was it... With my thumb, I separated the seal from the envelope and pulled out the letter.

Dear Miss L/N,

We are most pleased to inform you that you have been selected as the new Gryffindor prefect. Your badge has been included and we hope you wear it with pride.

Minerva McGonagall

The small red and gold badge fell from inside the envelope and onto my lap. I held it shakily between my fingers as the bright letters of 'PREFECT' solidified to me that this wasn't prank. But that means there's so much to do, so much to prepare! The Head Boy and Girl will be wanting to speak to me as soon as we get on the Hogwarts Express!

Even so... I wondered who the boy prefect would be... I'd heard rumours of prefects secretly dating. Who could blame them? Being alone in a dark corridor in the depths of night with only your wands to light the way? Not to mention the Prefect's Bathroom! It sounded like a dream and it was no surprise their skin always looked so good.

That also raised the question of what kind of prefect I was going to be. Should I be strict and uphold the rules in pride of my house? Or should I be laxer to maximise the odds people listen to me? The last thing I wanted was for people to not take me seriously, either because I had a stick up my backside or I was a wet wipe. 

There was still a week to go so I had plenty of time to figure my strategy out. Plus, whoever the boy was could well determine how I go ahead. There was one person I didn't want it to be but the odds of it being him were zero to none. Off the top of my head, there were numerous boys who deserved it more than that authority-praiser Percy Weasley


The Hogwarts Express had just departed. It took me a moment to remember that I had to go to the prefects' carriage and not sit with my friends and I wound up being slightly late. I pulled open the door to meet an array of different faces.

"Sorry I'm late!" I exclaimed and took the free space. 

"First day and you're already behind. Merlin knows why Professor McGonagall picked you."

I blinked in the direction of the voice. Ginger. Tall and thin. Glasses. A voice pushed too formally that it made him sound like a jackass. My worst fear had come true... Percy Weasley. So much for my midnight romantic strolls.

"Weasley." I said with a forced smile and took my seat opposite him, next to the Head Boy. "How pleasant to see nothing has changed about you."

Percy had opened his mouth to rebut when the Head Boy wiggled his finger between us. "Now, now, you two. If you want to fight, do it in your own time, not prefect time. You represent not only the school but all Gryffindors. If you two working together is going to be an issue, I can speak to McGonagall at any point. Am I clear?"

Great, five seconds in and the Head Boy thinks I'm a nuisance. I glared at Percy and reluctantly went "Yes, sir."

Percy, on the other hand, straightened his back, readjusted his tie and kept a confident look. "You'll have no trouble from me."

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