Seventy five

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"Oh, don't worry, Amelia, I can understand. With age comes a bit of memory loss," Salvator smirked, laughing at her.

Amelia let out a frustrated groan, struggling against the guards' hold. Her eyes searched desperately for her daughter.

''hold on amelia you might need that energy to collect the corps of your daughter.. ''Raphael smirk at her. amelia goes still in shock.

''the only remaining will be yours rapheal when i kill you.'' Amelia screech.

rapheal laughs at her when she threatens him while still in hold.

''oh you could have think before threatening anyone foul move.. i dont think you love your daughter at all.''rapheal said.

and nice to see you remember my name,''rapheal grins at her. she spat at his attempts.

''says the who, who didnt even know what mothers love is?''rapheals laughs at her but his laugh nothing hold humors. or any emotion.

''you know i dont have heart to get the taunts Amelia, or the pain and thank fuck i dont have mother or her love.. as in your life is in danger while im around, i dont get the love it will be easy to kill you once and for all.''rapheal says deadpan..

Amelia shiver with the threats she know that salvator and rapheal has this intimidating aura and has the rumors about killing people with unique pleasure.

rapheal is the deadly in all of them he doesnt have any mercy when it come to him he only know how to kill a person with every possible think he get and once he was a assasin to a great team untill he get his own bussiness to run..

Salvator broke the silence between amelia and rapheal, he knew is she trigger ralheal there would be no remaining of amelia to incestigate.

"I am just ending the game which you have started and it'll be my pleasure to remind you how and when you have started having my undivided anttention." Salvator remove the imaginery lint on his suite.

"I have never started a war and not to mention for you think I'm teenager to catch a affection at you?"amelia laughs at salvator.

"The thought of you think am affectionable is mere step in my charm world amelia but thank fuck im not into old lady kink''salvator wink at amelia. Just to piss her of.

"I never intend to harm you in any ways Salvatore but you have started the war by involving my only daughter."amelia growl.

Leave my daughter out of your plan its a business."amelia hiss at salvator like crazy cat.

"You have done so many things to me having your daughter is just clearity check that you have done enough...but you know what having your daughter is not enough... "Salvator smirk at her..

Amelia step back in fear. Having salvator in this killing mode is dangerous for everyone. Amelia knows what dhe have done with salvators family.

"W..what do you mean.."amelia stutters.

"Fear..fear.. good i love it when people fear me after all that the power i hold on in people"... Salvator smirks knowingly at amelia

"Maybe having your daughter kill satisfy my undying ego"... Amelia face turned to pale all coloured have drained from her skin. Shock engulf her. Terrifying the hell out of her.

"You can't do that salvator "eyes bloodshot hand trembling eyes socked all tears from her eyes..

Oh i can and i will.. i am salvator Sinclair and i will do what i want and no one can stop me from doing what i want.." Salvatore glare at her.

Do you think you have anything against me to say what i can do. You still think im just a new comer in underground."salvator smirks. her face turned to confusion at what he is saying. she cannot cope up with the information going on amelia looked at her daughter. her state was bad and looked at violate who was kneeling and tears flowing from her eyes.. she was in shock. 

it was all confusing for her....

salvator took slow pradetory step towards amelia. she step back in fear. ''what are you doing and who are you.'' she stutter.

''you messed with wrong person amelia and your daughters future  has already been set when i got my hand on her after knowing she is your beloved daughter.''amelia gulped at his harsh tone.

amelias instinct kicked in and she pulled out the dagger which was hidden for emergency within step away from salvator he can hear her scared heartbeat.she swang the blade on salvator.

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