Saventy four

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Authors Pov.

as the pain was too much for j she spit it out so much in haze..  

"What about my family, Jule?" Violate's words were calm yet furious, ready to take another step to torture her. But J was smart enough to consider the situation and nodded her head, still coughing.

"Your... your family? Oh, yeah, I somewhat remember them," J hums under her breath, with not an ounce of regret reflecting on her face.

"Oh, I feel sorry for you, Jule," Violate says, mocking her tone. "That no one is there by your side to take a stand." Violate's words make J snap, anger flashing in her eyes.

Jule's face turns red with anger as Violate mentions her mother, the mention hitting a raw nerve deep within her.

"Oh, I still don't know about my family, but here, your mother abandoned you, Jule," Violate mocks, well aware that she's pushing J's buttons.

"Was it because of drugs or because of you... that she despised you so much, Jule?" Violate's words trigger Jule, hitting a sore spot deep within her.

"Stop it, Violate... I dare you to say one more word about my mother," Jule's anger was palpable, her voice trembling with fury.

"You want to know about your family, right?" J said. "Oh, guess what? I killed your family." J laughed, causing Violate's face to drain of all color. She had never considered this possibility. Salvator appeared shocked as well, even though he had some knowledge of the truth. This revelation was significant for him. A mere girl from nowhere had killed the Blair family, the leading family in the underworld.

He disconnected the call and redirected his attention to Jule, standing beside Violate. He knew she couldn't handle this situation alone. He was determined to do whatever it took to help her regain stability in her life.

"What... you're lying, right?" Violate's lips trembled, her heartbeat audible in the tense silence. Her shaky hands clutched at her dress, and she felt like she was about to stumble on her feet. A large hand reached out to hold her in place, but she still walked toward Jule, her determination overcoming her fear.

"Oh, never, baby, I'm not lying... Not about this, at least," Jule chuckled. "Yes, I think I'm quite serious and more certain about this statement that I killed your family. And you know what?" She leaned closer to Violate, her voice low and menacing.

"In one go..." Jule laughed. "Yes, Violate, in one shot, I killed your family. And you know the best part? No one, like no one, dared to touch the family. The daring family was killed by these..." Jule showed her hands to Violate, laughing cruelly.

Violate remained in a state of utter shock, each of Jule's words piercing through her heart. Somewhere in her mind, she knew that Jule was an enemy, but she had never realized the depth of it until now.

The sound of a door opening echoed through the entire house, and Salvator smirked at the person who had just entered the room.

"Salvator, I'll kill you if you touch my daughter!" Amelia shouted from the doorway, a guard holding her in place.

Amelia was not in good condition; her hair was dishevelled, and it seemed difficult for her to catch her breath.

"Amelia, welcome to Sinclair Residence. Please, never mind the mess around here; it's just as pleasing as you feel," Salvator greeted her with a smirk.

"What do you want from my daughter? It's about the rivalry between me and you... then why the hell did you involve my daughter in this?" Amelia says furiously.

Jule was not in her senses until her mother's voice reached her, but the unshed tear said otherwise for Jule.

"Yes, you're right, Amelia, but I'm just finishing the game that you started..." Salvator smirked at Jule. Amelia's eyes widened in realization.

"What... what are you talking about? I have no idea," Amelia stuttered in her words, confusion evident on her face.

Salvator gestured for his guards to come closer until Amelia was standing straight in front of him. Then, he sat on his chair in the middle of the room.

"Oh, don't worry, Amelia, I can understand. With age comes a bit of memory loss," Salvator smirked, laughing at her.

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