One Piece Epilogue pt 4

Start from the beginning

Poison: Kogan, Janine, Roxie, Atticus, Plumeria

Electric: Surge, Wattson, Clemont, Sophocles, Elesa, Iono, Volkner

Ground: Bertha, Clay, Hapu

Rock: Brock, Roxanne, Gordie, Grant, Olivia, Roark

Psychic: Sabrina, Will, Tate and Liza, Lucian, Caitlin, Olympia, Tulip

Ice: Lorelei, Pryce,Glacia, Candice, Brycen, Wulfric, Melony, Grusha

Bug: Bugsy, Aaron, Burgh, Viola

Ghost: Agatha, Morty, Phoebe, Fantina, Shauntal, Acerola, Allister

Steel: Jasmine, Steven, Bryon, Wikstrom, Molayne, Poppy

Dragon: Lance, Clair, Drake, Iris, Drayden, Drasna, Raihan, Hassel

Dark: Karen, Marene, Grimsley, Piers,Nanu, Sidney, Giacomo

Fairy: Valarie, Opal, Bede, Mina, Ortega

Others included Cynthia, Alder, Diana, Leon, and Geeta.

Even the Pokemon Professors and even the Battle Brains of the Battle Frontier were there as they chatted with the people from Oceania!


"My goodness! I researched a lot but, there are so many powerhouses here for this wedding!" Scratchman said.

"Like who?" Capone Bege asked, a bit irritated, but at the same time interested on what Apoo would say.

Apoo looked around and spotted certain people. "Professor Kukui, the authority on Z-Moves. Grand Dutchess and reigning champion of Kalos, Diantha. The Viridian Gym Leader and head of the Kanto Rescue Squad, Holly. The Sinnoh Elite Four's Psychic master, Lucien. The youngest of Paldea's Elite Four, Poppy. Hoenn's Water Artist, and Water Gym leader, Juan. Unova's Ice Master and big-time Movie star, Brycen. Galar's great Fairy elder, Opal. Master of the Battle Pyramid, Brandon. And countless others too! Although I hear Beast Master is the real cream of the crop among them!"

During the whole meet and greet, Toriko waved at his old friends.

"Toriko! Thanks for coming!" Luffy said.

"No problem Luffy. I'm glad we did." He said as Rin chatted with Yukiko.

"I still can't believe you're getting married! I'm so happy for you!" Rin smiled. "Though my brother still can't believe it."

Sunny was in a corner looking peeved. "Unbelievable. How could such a lovely being get taken away already?" 

"I keep asking the same thing..." Sanji said in gloom.

"Well, we brought a lot of food for the big feast as a gift! We included Jewel Meat, Mellow Cola, Crystal Cola, Blue Hawaiiyokan, Rainbow Fruit, different types of cheese, Diamond Figcrystal, Gararagator, and many more!" Komatsu said. "I'll make a great feast to complement the wedding!"

"We look forward to it." Yukiko smiled.

Then she spotted another familiar face.

"Navier! Oh, I'm so happy you came!"

"It's a pleasure, and I owe it to you." Navier smiled as they caught up with each other.

"So you left that man? Honestly, I think that was the smartest thing you did." Yukiko said.

Navier shrugged as she said that she almost envied Yukiko as she found love so easily. "Yeah, but you did too. You got to marry for love before you went too deep with Sovetshu. And that divorce was his loss. Besides, Rashta doesn't know how to handle the throne, and she's a loose cannon. It won't take long for her to make a mistake. To be honest, before I left, I met some commoners and nobles who actually understood why you left. They don't really think Rashta can be a good empress. They're just waiting for her to screw up. It'll give them a reason for them to voice their hatred of her and disprove of Sovetshu's choice. To them, you're still their Empress." Yukiko reassured Navier.

The latter smiled in return.


As Yukiko was chatting with the girls, she had gotten Robin, Nami, Melissa, Bonney, Rebecca, Ulti, and Vivi to be bridesmaids, and Franky and Usopp are helping to build the arch for the ceremony.

Rika, Chimmney, Aisa, and Tama were all going to be flower girls. 

Pachi and Chopper were going to be the ring bearers.

Koala, Alina, and Makino was to be the maids of honor.

Sabo and Ace mutually agreed to be the best men together, along with Shanks.

Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Brook, and surprisingly Law were to be the groomsmen

Kidd was forced to be one of the ushers, along with Killer, Page One, Barto, Cavendish, Jinbei, and Apoo.

Kukui was to walk Yukiko to the altar.

And Rayleigh was asked to be the officiant to everyone's surprise.

Sanji and cooks, from both Oceania and the Pokemon world would work together to create the cake.


Next is the last part of the Epilouge!

But I made this one as an extra, as it is Luffy's Birthday today!

The wedding will be soon and we'll see the Groom and Bride at last!

any ideas of wedding presents for the happy couple?

plz comment!

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