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The two practiced until they dropped.

"Maybe you can show me how to do the gentle fist one day" Sasuke chuckled while laying in the grass.

"B-But you don't have the Byakugan" Hinata giggled and laid down next to the boy.

"Doesn't mean I can't learn about the pressure points of the body" he turned his head towards Hinata.

"Humm... T-That's true... Maybe I can teach both of you" she smiled turning her head towards Sasuke.

He looked into her lavender eyes and felt his face fire up. He turned his head around to hide his face.

"Oh the idiots here" Sasuke sat back up.

"Hey!! Kakashi-sensei not here yet?" the blonde's voice pierced the silence of the training grounds.

"No. What you expect loser?" the raven haired boy poured water on his face from his flask.

"Did you guys train without me?!" Naruto huffed.

"You should have came earlier" Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"S-Sorry Naruto-kun... I can train with you until sensei comes back if y-you want. What do you n-need to work on the most?" the girl sat back up.

"Hum... I get kinda tired after making a bunch of shadow clones like it's a lot of effort... But I don't really know why..." Naruto rubbed his chin in deep thought.

"Maybe... I-It's your chakra control? Do you m-mind if you make a clone and I'll see what's happening inside w-with my Byakugan?" the girl felt a little shy to ask to see him like a human x-ray but that's the best way to tell how much or little Naruto was using his chakra.

"You're not going to see me without clothes or something weird like that right?" he chuckled nervously. Honestly, he had no idea how the Byakugan works. But if it could see through trees. Well who says it can't see people naked.

"W-What? N-no Naruto-kun! I w-wouldn't invade anyone's privacy like that. Plus, in the Hyuga clan... Anyone w-who does that get punished severely" Hinata covered her face in embarrassment.

"What happens?" Sasuke was curious too. He couldn't imagine how many men would want to use that power for peeping.

"Well... The last o-old man who p-peeped was put i-inside a mud hole for a week with no food. Then this other male Hyuga who w-wouldn't stop peeping h-had one of his eyes removed... It w-wasn't a pretty sight... Terrifying really" Hinata fidgeted her fingers.

"Wait everyone had to see that?!" Naruto felt the blood drain from his face.

"To s-set the example for t-the younger Hyugas..." Hinata whispered.

"And I thought the Uchiha's were harsh... What happens if a woman peeps?" Sasuke remembered punishments in the Uchiha clan were just being put in a cell. But the Hyuga's seemed more brutal.

"I-It wasn't until recently Hyuga f-females were allowed t-to fight... B-But... T-three years ago a Hyuga f-female peeped and she h-had her f-fingernails ripped out one by o-one... Hyuga females are quite vain with their nails so i-it was pretty hard to watch..." the girl rubbed her nails anxiously.

"Oh go-" Naruto made a puking sound but stopped himself before he could.

"S-So don't worry Naruto-kun. I wouldn't do that" Hinata smiled shyly.

"I believe you dattebayo" Naruto rubbed the back of his golden hair. Her clan was terrifying.

"Okay let's do it! Shadow Clone Jutsu!"


Hinata saw two different chakras in Naruto's body. One blue and menacing dark red chakra that sent chills up her spine. But it was obvious that this red charka blocked his normal chakra.

"Neee Nee Hinata-chan! What did you see?" Naruto smiled wide with excitement.

"T-Two different chakras... O-One of them is blocking your chakra... It's not something I-I can solve but maybe Kakashi-sensei has an answer" she watched as his face went pale.

'She saw the Ninetail fox charka.. now she's going to treat me like the villagers...' Naruto instinctually touched his knotted stomach. He hated being different. He just wanted acceptance.

"W-We can still work on other things though. Humm I could t-teach you about different p-pressure points in the body that can h-help disable your opponent" Hinata smiled seeing the color go back to his face and his smile return.

"But don't you need your weird eye thing for that?" Naruto was excited but confused.

"I-It does make things easier because I can see it... B-But technically you can just punch t-the areas hard. Especially the main p-pressure points of the body" the girl went up to Naruto and demonstrated the main points.

Sasuke was observing them seeing it as a good opportunity to learn something new. He felt a tad angry that she was showing Naruto first rather than him but she motioned him to also be part of the little lesson.

"T-The back of the neck and stomach is the easier place to stop all chakra flow. However it w-would take a lot of force to stop the flow in these areas. S-So disabling the wrists is the best way t-to stop your opponent from performing Jutsus. There are 361 tenketsu points in the body that help t-the flow of charka. But they a-are the size of a pin needle which m-makes it hard for non-Hyuga's to stop them. N-Next time we practice I can bring a marker so you g-guys can see it visually. I-I don't think it's impossible for a non-Hyuga to stop them b-but it takes a lot of memorization" Hinata let chakra flow back into Naruto's wrist. Naruto looked overwhelmed with the information.

Sasuke smirked overflowing with confidence to learn a new skill.

"That's awesome dattebayo! I can't wait!" the blonde jumped up and down.

"J-Just please d-don't tell anyone... I don't k-know what my father would think if he knew I was t-teaching you guys Hyuga techniques" Hinata fidgeted just thinking about it.

"Teaching about what?" the silver haired Jonin appeared behind Hinata making her jump up.

"A-Ah... Umm" the girl covered her mouth wondering how much the Jonin saw.

"Relax. I won't tell your father. I'm so happy my little pupils are getting along" Kakashi pet Hinata hair as she let out a sigh while Naruto and Sasuke glared at the little comment.

"If you two are done glaring I've got our first mission" Kakashi held out the mission scroll.

"Dattebayo!!! Yes finally our first mission!! What it going to be? Escorting a princess? Infiltrating an enemy base?!" Naruto bright blue eyes lite up.

"Well... Not exactly..." Kakashi threw the scroll at Naruto for the Genin to read.

"What?! Finding some old lady's cat?!!? That's our first mission?" Naruto kicked the dirt in frustration.

Sasuke held a stoic face but was upset. A mission like this wouldn't help him get any stronger to kill Itachi. Maybe going rogue would be a better idea.

Hinata felt happy since she loved animals. It was a nice surprise especially since her father didn't allow her to have pets.

"Don't complain. You are all Genin fresh out of the academy. You guys will be doing D rank missions until you gain experience" Kakashi glared at the two boys since he noticed Hinata wasn't upset.

"Umm... S-Sensei. I-I have an idea on retrieving the cat" Hinata raised her hand up.

"Yes Hime?" the silver haired ninja had no idea what the girl was going to suggest.

"W-Well... Wasn't cats the U-Uchiha clans summons? So w-wouldn't the N-Neko clan (Cat clan) be a good place to ask for advice for what attracts cats?" Hinata looked at Sasuke and Kakashi anxiously.

"How do you know that?" Sasuke was taken aback. The Neko clan was only know by Uchihas. It was a secret.

"I... I-I don't know..." Hinata stated softly. Lately, she's been seeing and hearing things that she isn't sure is a memory or her going mad.

"Are you willing to take us Sasuke-kun?" Kakashi smiled cheeky under his mask.

"Fine... But I'm not sure how Nekobaa will feel about having outsiders in the Neko clan..." Sasuke walked in front of them taking the lead in their journey.

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