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The happy moment of the Genin lasted for around a minute until they remembered there were only two bells.

"Now it's time for you guys to decide" Kakashi looked at the three seriously.

Hinata looked down at the two bells in her hand. The words Kakashi-sensei said earlier went through her brain.

"If you fail now you have no chance in becoming clan leader. You'll disappoint Hanabi, your father, your whole clan. You'll be forced to live a subservient life and be sealed. Plus, your sister will no change the clan system because she is like your father. Is that what you want?"

Hinata wanted to change her clan system to make a better future for all Hyugas. She knew that Hanabi didn't want to be clan leader. Hanabi wants to be free of clan customs, travel the world, and be a fashion designer. Of course, her father wouldn't allow that since Hinata was disinherited.

But at the same time, she had the fear of constantly letting people down. If she passed this test and was a horrible ninja. A teammate that would be dead weight. Or even worse her team members could get killed in battle because of her incompetence. But even worse is Hanabi getting the curse mark and Hinata not being able to change the clan's ways.

Her lavender eyes scanned the two boys realizing she had their goals in her hands. She couldn't take that away from them no matter what ends up happening to her. Hopefully she could find another way to prove to her father she is fit to be clan leader.

"T-There is nothing to discuss... I made my d-decision... I keep m-my word" the girl placed the bells on both their hands.

The two boys looked at the bells with a strong feeling of guilt. To them it wasn't fair that their teamwork resulted in one of them failing.

Sasuke looked at Hinata glossy eyes. She wore a broken smile using all her strength not to cry. The raven haired boy needed to pass, to become strong, to avenge his clan but not like this.

"So Hinata is the little sacrificial lamb..." Kakashi said nonchalantly.

"This isn't right!!! We worked together to get these bells!! Hinata shouldn't fail because of that!!" Naruto yelled squeezing the bell tightly in his hand.

Naruto didn't want to fail and be sent back to the academy but it felt wrong to make Hinata pay for that.

"The only reason we worked together is because of her. Otherwise, neither of us could get a bell" Sasuke backed up Naruto.

Sasuke teamed up with Hinata to pass but he didn't like the idea of her failing either. But should he sacrifice himself for her?

The two boys were hesitant to let go of the bells.

"Ara Ara... Those are the rules. Life isn't fair" the silver haired Jonin was happy with their reactions but didn't let his face give that away.

"Then.... I'm not taking this bell" Sasuke reluctantly gave Hinata the bell.

"Sasuke-kun?" the girl was taken aback.

"Neither am I!" Naruto gave the bell back to Hinata.

"Naruto-kun?" Hinata had both the bells back in her hand.

"I'm s-sorry... I can't a-accept this..." the girl felt emotional from their reactions. This was the team she wanted to be in. Without them two, she didn't want to be a ninja.

"H-Here Kakashi-sensei..." Hinata handed back the bells to the Jonin.

"So, you all are deciding to fail?" the Jonin threw the bells up and down.

The three Genin felt their guts churn.

"Unless you pass all of us, yes" Sasuke looked the Jonin dead in the eye.

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