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It took Sasuke a while to lose the pink banshee chasing him around Kohona. All he wished was to go home and eat in silence. It seemed like peace was not something he would acquire from his new teammates.


He wondered where those memories came from. From what he remembers they never interacted asides from "can I borrow your pencil" small talk.

The Uchiha bit his lip. He had no time for these thoughts. Whether they knew each other when they were young or not, his goals are the same.

The Uchiha stepped into his simple dark apartment. He didn't decorate or make it feel homie. The Uchiha massacre was the end of anything feeling like home.

He sat on the window ceil and opened Hinata's lunch. Her bento box was decked out in キャラ弁 (a charaben bento box that looks like different characters or animals). All the onigiri (rice balls) looked like Naruto, along with heart shaped tamagoyaki (rolled omelette), tonkatsu, star shaped steam vegetables, and sushi.

"Humm... She must have lots of maids... Spoiled Hime..." Sasuke reluctantly ate the Naruto shaped onigiri.

"And she likes that baka (dumb).... Ha what does she see in him..." The Uchiha slapped himself for thinking of the Hyuga again.

The food smelled so delicious it made his stomach growl. A girl who would never understand true pain, loneliness, loss. There was nothing left to think about. They were in two different realms. No one could understand his pain.

He grabbed the notebook he stole and threw it inside his nightstand drawer. Maybe he will read it later. Or perhaps fireball jutsu the book.


Hinata's blush spread across her face. She ran as far as the horizon would take her.

'What was that? What was that? Why with the Uchiha?!'

Her mind went in a million different directions.

'Did he see the same memory that I saw? Ever since I bumped into the Uchiha in the hallway I keep remembering things that don't make sense? When was the Uchiha clan ever associated with the Hyuga clan? What is my father hiding?'

Hinata halted and threw herself on the ground underneath a tall tree.

'Maybe I'll ask father tonight... If he is in a good mood...' the girl played with the strands of grass and gasped.

'My notebook! Where is it?! And my lunch! Ahhh don't tell me I left it in the classroom' she pulled her midnight hair in frustration.

The Hyuga reluctantly got up seeing the long way ahead.


"Now that we are a team you are going to have to listen to everything I say got it!" Ino crossed her arms asserting her dominance over the two boys.

"めんどくさい Mendokusai..." Shikamaru slouched lazily on the rail of Yamanaka's flower house terrace.

The pineapple headed boy didn't care if Ino wanted to take control of the group or not. He just wanted to be like the clouds, carefree without any responsibilities.

Choji's full attention was on his onigiri and chips.

"Are you guys even paying attention?!" The blonde Barbie huffed.

"Sure... Whatever you want Ino" the boy continued to look off in the distance.

"Whatever... Gosh I wish I was in Sasuke-kun team but I got stuck with two losers..." Ino mumbled to herself getting an eye full of Sasuke sitting by the window.

Ino thanked whatever Gods blessed her to have Sasuke apartment close to her parents flower shop. She would look at him every opportunity she had.

"Hey isn't that Naruto?" Shikamaru leaned on the rail to get a better look.

"Huh?" Ino leaned next to Shikamaru.

Naruto body was pressed up against the apartment building in a spectacular balancing act. He inched his way to the Uchiha window and launched himself onto him.




"Naruto!!! He better not do anything to my Sasuke-kun!" Ino gripped onto the rails until her knuckles became white.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes. He would never understand his classmates obsession with the emo kid. But one thing he knew is that Sasuke is stronger than Naruto.

After a long silence, out pooped the Uchiha with a big smile.

"I knew Sasuke-kun wouldn't lose to that loser!" Ino looked at Sasuke with starry eyes.

Shikamaru looked at the kid suspiciously.

'That's not Sasuke... Hmm... Guess that Uzumaki is stronger than I thought... Tsk.. You think Sasuke's fangirl would notice that this is a transformation jutsu...' Shikamaru smirked to himself.


Hinata ran back to the academy but noticed another class was in session. She cracked the door open enough to see inside.

Iruka sensing her charka signature smiled in her direction. The little Hyuga jumped, startled that he noticed right away.

"Yes Hinata-chan?"

"Umm... I-I left m-my lunch h-here... Could I p-possibly check my s-seat?"

"Of course! Okay class take this next minute to review your notes before the test"

The class let out a big groan.

"Thank y-you Iruka-sensei" Hinata swiftly bowed.

The girl made a beeline to the desk where a boy with green googles and a blue scarf was sitting.

"Ano (Hmm)... D-Did you happen to see a b-bento box and a n-notebook here?"


"A-Are you sure?"


The boy gave minimum effort to help the girl paying more attention to picking his boogers. He messed around with his messy brown hair with a bored expression.

"O-Okay thank y-you..." Hinata bowed.

The young boy glaced at her landing his eyes on her ninja headband.

"Are you a ninja?"

"Ah... Yes I-I just graduated t-today..."

"Don't look much like one"

Hinata bit her lip at the rude kid. She didn't need to hear this from someone close to her sister's age.

"Thank you for the h-help again" Hinata bowed and took her leave.

"Weird girl"

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