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Naruto felt a pit in his stomach the size of the grand canyon. He didn't want to go back to the academy and how would he tell Hinata that she could possibly too.

"I'll bring her home. I know where she lives" Sasuke said matter of fact.

"Trying to win the bet?" Naruto threw him a suspicious look.

"As if I can think of that now loser. We might be thrown back to the academy after this test. Or more like you. I have nothing to worry about" Sasuke gave a look that got under Naruto's skin.

"I'm going to pass that test dattebayo! And win the bet so you'll get your sorry butt back to the academy! Then Sakura-chan will be put in my team" Naruto practically sang Sakura's name.

"Ugh... You have horrible taste in girls. Just looking at her gives me cavities" Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"At least I like girls" Naruto scoffed.

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?!" Sasuke growled.

"Girls throw themselves at you and you don't even react. You sure you're not gay?" Naruto laughed.

"I'm not gay!" Sasuke grit his teeth.

"Sure" the sun kissed boy rolled his eyes.

"Whatever loser. I don't need to prove anything to you" the Uchiha grabbed Hinata from his arms.

"At least girls like me" Sasuke smirked and walked off.

"Sasuke!!" Naruto yelled.

"Sasuke-kun~" Sakura came running  towards the raven haired boy.

'Argh not the pink banshee' Sasuke groaned to himself.

"Sakura-chan~!" Naruto ran to the cotton candy like a kid with a sugar rush.

"Not now loser!" Sakura pushed the blonde out of the way.

"Sakura-chan" Naruto whined.

'This pink headache didn't learn anything from what Hinata told her' the raven haired boy rolled his eyes.

"Sasuke-kun want to hang out~" Sakura puffed her lips out in attempts to be seductive.



"I have to bring Hinata home. Don't waste my time" Sasuke held Hinata closer to his chest and walked past the girl.

"What's so special about her?!" Sakura screeched.

He didn't bother turning around. All Sakura could see is his back turned showing off his Uchiha insignia.

"We can hang out Sakura-chan~" Naruto smiled wide.

"Not in your dreams loser!" Sakura turned around snacking her hair against his face.

"Oww" Naruto whined watching the pink bubblegum leave.


Sasuke felt thoroughly annoyed with Naruto's comment. It's not like he didn't like girls but he never found one worth his time.

He held the empty bento boxes on his hands and the one she forgot to give Kakashi-sensei. He held the girl bridal style down the streets of Kohona. Normally Sasuke would have just left the girl but something about Hinata's lavender scent and calming presence made him want to claim her. He wondered how long she would remain unconscious.

The boy of ignored the envious stares from his fanclub and cooes of older woman saying what a cute couple they made.

He spotted Kakashi in a nearby bookstore in the lewd aisle buying the latest volume of Icha Icha Paradise.

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