
553 23 17

"What the?!!!" Sasuke felt the Hyuga fall straight on his lap.

"Hinata!" Naruto yelped.

The fangirls of the room mouths gaped open like fishes.

"Class calm down! Everyone go to lunch. You'll be meeting up with your new Jonin teachers in a hour!" Iruka pushed the students out of the classroom leaving Sasuke, Hinata, Sakura, and Naruto.

Iruka touched Sakura and Naruto's shoulders.

"Don't worry. Me and Sasuke's got this" Iruka kindness radiated off his smile.

"B-But I don't want to leave Sasuke-kun!" Sakura whined.

"Sakura... You should try to get to know your new teammates..." The sensei flashes a serious look at her.

"Come on Sakura-chan! We can eat lunch together!" Naruto threw his arm around her shoulder.

"NOT IN A MILLION YEARS DOPE!" Sakura punched his arm and left in a huff. The blonde boy winced in pain.

"WAIT SAKURA-CHAN!!" the sun kissed boy ran after her shadow.

"Can I just push her off me?!" Sasuke looked at his new teammates with rage.

'These dorks will just bring me down! I don't need to be in a team! I'm Sasuke Uchiha darn it!'

"Call this teamwork. You need to learn a little off it. Hinata isn't sick she just fainted from nerves. Just wait for her to wake up" Iruka dark eyes narrowed.

"And if I don't?"

"Then she might wake up and 'accidently' push all your pressure points.  You'll be immobile for about a week. I mean it's your choice. Waking up a Hyuga can be deadly" Iruka retorted.

"Wait wha? Arghhh this is annoying!" Sasuke growled.

"I'm going to prepare for the next class. She should wake up soon" he walked out of the classroom leaving them both alone.

'Darn you Hyuga! No one uses me as a lap pillow' Sasuke poked her cheeks rapidly to wake her up to no avail.

Minutes felt like hours to a point of boredom. He decided to analyze her face. Hinata eyelashes were thick shaped into a crescent moon. Soft features and long silk midnight hair that feathered his legs like a halo. Her pale skin a sharp contrast with her reddened cheeks. Somehow with her eyes closed the girl reminded him of his mother. He softly moved the bangs off her cheeks feeling a calming presence.

'What are you doing Uchiha? Seriously don't have the time for this' he took his hand off the girl.

Hinata opened her eyes. Lavender met obsidian eyes in a standstill. Their souls connected with a remembrance.

Suddenly both their heads throbbed. A flash back of a long forgotten memory.

"Go play with Hinata-hime Sasuke-kun" Mikoto gently nudged four year old Sasuke.

"I don't want to Kaa-san... I wanna play ninja with Oniisan" the boy pouted puffing his cheeks.

"I'll go with you two" Itachi chuckled taking the hands of the two small children.

The girl fidgeted with her kimono too shy to play with the young Uchiha.

"Are you just going to stand there in the corner all day?" Sasuke groaned.

"I'm s-sorry..." Hinata whispered.

Sasuke grabbed the girl's hand and led her to his favorite dinosaur.

"Okay! You are the hime and I'm going to save you from the dragon" Sasuke smiled wide.

Hinata giggled as a wide blush spread across her cheeks.

"What's so funny?" Sasuke furrowed his brows.

"That's a dinosaur not a dragon" Hinata couldn't stop giggling.

"Whatever hime" Sasuke threw his favorite dinosaur on her.

Itachi watch the little ones with a gentle smile on his face. Sasuke forgot he was there.



The two stared at each other in disbelief. Eyes locking in silent observation.

'Did he see the same thing?'

'Did she see the same thing?'

Not sure of the answer and seeing the uncomfortable situation she was in Hinata quickly got up.

"I-I'm so sorry U-Uchiha-san! I'll g-get going!" Hinata gave a curt bow and turned to run out the classroom. Until she felt him grip her arm.


Sasuke felt shocked with his involuntary response. He didn't know why he felt a strong feeling of abandonment at that moment.

He swiftly released her arm.

"It's fine Hyuga" Sasuke looked away from her.

Hinata bowed once more and ran out of the classroom.

"Hinata Hyuga... Who are you?" Sasuke covered his face with his arm.

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